prisoner pt2

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so many thoughts rushed through my head as  i realized what i had just done, i really just let the most dangerous person here out of his cell. I'm such a dummy i pulled myself out of my thoughts to make sure Mattheo didn't do anything. but all he was doing was walking around the room touching random things, but then again, he hasn't been out that cell in a really long time. 

"m-Mattheo?" i stuttered a little I mean I'm not scared of him, I'm like 70% sure he wouldn't do anything to me. he turned around and looked me up and down with a little smile, he walked closer so we were just inches apart. "Yes love?" he questioned while playing with my hair. that caught me off guard and i couldn't move or anything it's like i was paralyzed. I've known him for 2 years and this is the closest we've ever been. "its so nice to be able to stretch my legs y/n" he said while sitting in one of the chairs.

( ok so im going to explain the room layout since its kind of confusing. ok so it one room about the size of a living room so in the room there's a little cell that's big enough for a bed and very little walk room and on the outside of the cell there's a square table that has two chairs and that's where Mattheo is sitting.)

he then nodded his head toward the other chair signaling me to sit down. which i did, i think I've accepted the fact i was going to get fired. once i sat down he turned to face me. "so what's it like now?" he asked while putting his hands on the table i was contemplating on putting hand cuffs on him since it was a rule and it could possibly save my job but i didnt want him to feel like i was scared Or that i felt unsafe around him. i looked at him and he was already looking at me. "what's what like?" i asked him putting my hands on the table as well. "Hogwarts, did they ever fix it?" he asked now looking at my hands. "yes, they did" i answered why did he even care though. "how long did it take?" 

"um maybe like a year" i said i wasnt really sure because i didn't really care. but i knew someone who went there and he said a whole bunch of people went to help rebuild the castle. " y/n" 

"Yeah?"  he looked at me and grabbed my hand and started rubbing it with his thumb slightly. "Tell me more about you, we've known each other for so long and i barley know you" what's the harm in telling him about me  it's not like Hes going to ask me anything to personal. "ok what would you like to know about me Mattheo?" i smiled a little, "you can ask be anything you want" i said he then leaned back in his chair a little still holding my hand. "what do you do when you arent here?"  "Well i usually don't really do anything, sometimes i hang out with my friends but I'm usually home with my cat."  " Hmmm what's your favorite food?"  " Definitely nachos" i said chuckling a little " nachos are good ,what's your cat's name?"   "black berry."  i said Mattheo then leaned closer to me. i got kind of nervous " can you do me a favor love?" why does he have so many favors? i nodded in response "can you go lock the door please" he said with a concerned look, i got up kind of fast to do what he asked but before i locked it i turned to look at him. "Why?" i questioned. he then got out of the chair.  "Because i don't want anyone to cut or time short but you don't have to if you don't want to" i let out a sigh and locked the door he smiled at my corporation. 

i mean he had a good reason so why not? i then started walking back to him he picked my hand back up and we stood there looking at each other for a few seconds, until he spoke "so do you live with just your cat, or do you have a boyfriend?" that's a weird question. "Nope its just me and my cat." i said "good to know" he mumbled he then started walking us back to his cell and we both sat on his bed. (They change the sheets ok its not dirty) after we both sat down, he looked at me "you're so pretty y/n, you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen, and you're so good to me." i smiled at his Commets "thank you, and why wouldn't i be?" he then started rubbing my cheek. "I'm going to miss you when you have to go" "well that's not for like another hour." I chuckled "No princess we only have 10 minutes left" i then turned to the clock and saw the time sh!t he was right. "oh, well I'll be back in a few days." i turned back to him and i noticed he was looking at my lips. he started to lean a bit closer "Mattheo?" "shh" then he kissed me, it was amazing, it felt just as i imagined it would. he was surprisingly a really good kisser. i felt his hands go on my waist, he lifted me up so i was on his lap "you don't know how long I've waited do this y/n"  he said in between kisses. As soon as his lips touched mine it felt like everything was gone it felt like it was just me and him. All my thoughts and worries just disappeared.


on my way home i was thinking about today when i finally reached home i put my purse down and looked for my lip-gloss "sh!t" i said to myself  i noticed i didn't have my key card i panicked and started looking in my car. i hope i didn't leave it at the store or something because it has my address on it. i thought about where i could've left it then i remembered me and Matheos's kiss. 

no i would've felt it i thought to myself, i did feel a lot of things though. But he wouldn't take it because then he could get out and he would never see me again i face pawmed when i remembered he would Tho since he probably knows my address now. I couldn't even do anything about it since i couldn't get in the prison without my key card, i then started to think about the questions he had asked. Why did it even matter that i lived alone. Was this his plan all along? I kept thinking about everything that had happened and i fet like such an idiot for even letting him out his cell, let alone kissing him.

sorry if this sucks i was sick when i wrote it

Mattheo Riddle 𝖔𝖓𝖊 𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖙𝖘 🩸🔪💚Where stories live. Discover now