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Liked by 23,282,293 people Charlesleclerc: thank you everyone for the kind words today - best birthday yet

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Charlesleclerc: thank you everyone for the kind words today - best birthday yet

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"Mel this is an amazing party. You've outdone your self." Daniel Riccardo smiled at me, I remember the days where he would race against max in 2018.

"Thank you dan." I smiled at him as he grabbed another glass of champagne which was on the go for majority of the evening.

I walked around a little trying to thank everyone for coming out to Monaco, people are always busy especially drivers.

"Max, Kelly!" I shrieked as I spotted him in the corner of the boat with Kelly both of them admiring the water.

"Melody how are you doing?" Kelly asked kindly as I sat besides them on the chair drinking another sip of wine.

"Pretty good, I've had a good day today so you know. How about you two?" I asked them and me and Kelly chit chatted for a bit whilst I noticed Max was being quiet.

"Max are you alright?"

"Melody you know why I'm not alright," he lowered his voice "Your boyfriend is a cheater and you've just fucking welcomed him with open arms."

I rolled my eyes taking another sip of wine for the confidence "I know how it looked, but Carlos was with him the entire time and said that they didn't kiss. It was louise max my old crazy manager."

"The one who was leaking stories to the press in 2019?" He asked remembering louise slightly.

"Yep her. I trust Carlos, if Carlos hadn't had been there I wouldn't have been as forgiving if forgiving at all." I reassured him.

"I don't know Mel. I don't fully trust him." Max muttered taking a swig of something.

"You're just being an overprotective older brother now." Kelly told him chuckling slightly.

"Agreed, thank you for coming though I appreciate it." I told him sweetly and he just shrugged a little.

"Even got the bastard a present." Max joked pointing at the present table which was overflowing with gifts.

"What is it?" I wondered out loud.

"A t shirt with my face on it." Max said with a straight face but I burst into laughter, of course he fucking did.

"What did you get him Mel?" Kelly asked.

"A Richard Mille watch."

"Fuck off melody those things are like gold dust- you are hurting yourself." Max groaned holding his face.

"Jesus how much was it?" Kelly questioned sipping away at her drink.

"Nearly two mill."

Maxs' eyes widened to a point of no return for a moment before he chugged his entire drink "And you paid for the yacht to be rented?"

I nodded in response.

Kelly gulped "I need to step up my game."

We continued chatting for a bit about Penelope being at her dads and the wedding plans and such when I got up and began speaking to other people, the party had around 130 guests ish.

"Melody! This is a lovely thing you've done for Charles." Pierre told me sweetly as I walked on by so I flashed him a smile.

After many hours of not even seeing my boyfriend the yacht began to clear out as it was around three in the morning and everyone was drunk and exhausted.

"Melody," Charles whispered into my ear "You have done so much for me today, you shouldn't have."

"Nope it's not every day you turn twenty six. We had to celebrate it in style." I joked as we walked all the way home from the docks, my feet beginning to hurt from my heels.

He sighed as we walked further "Your feet hurting yet?" He asked as we reached the hill that we had to walk up to get home, we would have driven but Charles was drunk.

I nodded as in seconds he had me in his arms "I'm not sure you're in the best position to carry me all the way home, you're a bit drunk."

He shook his head "No, only a little. I wasn't relaxed enough without you to get absolutely hammered."

So he carried me the entire way home, it wasn't a particularly far walk but it wasn't an easy one if you weren't working out frequently, but obviously Charles often was.

Once we reached home I was in my pjs immediately, we went downstairs to see our cat children before bed "They are cute no?"

He nodded in defeat "They are pretty cute. I've always been a dog person though I don't know if they will change my mind."

I snorted "Give it one more week."

My phone was still going crazy over the birthday post that I made earlier on in the day, people were either praising how cute we are or that I'm an idiot for taking him back.

But they don't know the truth.

We thought about making a post and telling the world about my crazy old manager who had previously once hit on my brother whilst Kelly was with him.

On my birthday one year she told me that birthday cake wasn't a good option if I wanted to do a show because I would look like a 'fat seal' - I was turning 20.

I don't think I realised that was particularly unusual until Isa explained how fucked up she was because my dad has never been any better and I mean he's my dad.

I remember one time when he left Max at a gas station in a rage after max lost a race, or the time he stabbed a mechanic in the hand with a fork.

When he locked me in my room for two days without food or water until Max had thankfully broken into my room through the window.

People always think it's weird that Max is actually a nice guy in real life and not 'mad max' which he has been called for as long as I can remember, but max was practically the saviour of my childhood.

I have this memory, I was nine and max was twelve and there was a father daughter dance at school and I had asked my dad who had abruptly declined the offer and I was heartbroken. The only kid in my grade who wouldn't be going.

So on the day of Max felt bad for me and took me to the dance instead, teachers thought it was odd but didn't really say anything, my dad had quite the reputation at school due to his time in prison and social services being called fifteen times before I was ten.

"What are you thinking about?" Charles asked holding me close to him and kissing my forehead sweetly.


"Oh?" He asked eyebrows raised.

"I want to dance." I told him, I didn't even like dancing all that much so he was kindve of surprised when he grabbed his phone and put music on quietly as it was four in the morning now.

"Melody Grace Verstappen may I have this dance?" He gestured, holding out his arm, it was ridiculous really both of us slightly drunk dancing in our pyjamas.

"You May, Charles Marc Hervé Perceval Leclerc." I responded with a posh accent as a joke as we danced in our living room for ages before finally going to bed.

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