twenty two

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I woke up this morning and i instantly decided I needed some space, as much as I love kelly, max and Penelope i needed some time to myself.

I got up from the sofa bed of which id been sleeping on which took me around ten minutes and got changed into some leggings and a Ferrari top that was Charles' that I stole two months ago.

I left a note for the guys and told them I was heading out for a walk and I'd probably end up at the hospital for visiting hours.

I left the apartment and immediately underestimated how far away the hospital actually was from the building as I continued to walk.

Within minutes my leg was on fire and the paparazzi had found me "Melody! Melody look over here!"

"Melody what's your opinion on Ferraris team strategy?"
What sort of a question is that
"How has the recovery process been Mel!"
"Is Charles still in hospital?"
"Is a new album on the cards for this year?"
Are you joking I just realised one

I didn't actually verbally respond to the questions but internally I thought about them, I continued to walk trying my best to block them out but it was pretty hard.

"Come on melody whats with the attitude this morning." They continued to pry at me for god sake it's only 9am.

So much for leaving the apartment for my own space, this is one of the downsides of living life in the public eye that nowhere you go is completely private.

Even sometimes in the comfort of your own home someone is still watching.

The villa that Charles and I have been sharing out in Miami is within 2 minutes reach sp I decided to pop in for a bit so hopefully the paparazzi will go home and I can get to the hospital to visit Charles.

Once I entered the villa I was immediately shaken as the door was unlocked, perhaps we left it unlocked before the Grand Prix?

Yeah I'm a wishful thinker.

I entered the building and called Max who responded in seconds "Melody how's the hospital?"

He'd obviously seen the note.

I held the phone close to me "Max. I'm at the villa and the door is unlocked and I'm sure it's nothing but can you stay on the phone?"

"Melody you always lock the door and so does Charles, just wait for me I'll come and get you don't go inside." He sounded quite fearful but I was already in the house.

"I'm already in it Max, just stay quiet." I replied to him and I could hear him signing over the phone.

I looked around the living room and the kitchen table where some of my birthday cake still remained though there were broken dishes on the floor.

"Max.. there's broken glasses on the floor with smashed up plates." I whispered to the phone as quietly as possible.

"Melody get out of the house." Max responded. I could hear movement from his side of the phone signalling he was coming to get me.

Ignoring him because that's what siblings do I walked towards the stairs as I saw that my bedroom was flung open and my duvet was on the floor, someone had clearly been here.

"Max.." i started to speak but stopped when I heard distinct coughing coming from the downstairs bathroom.

"Melody! Melody what's happening?" Max asked as I debated whether or not I had enough time to make a run outside of the house or to hide.

Due to my current physical situation however it was very unlikely that I'd manage to run outside considering it takes me roughly 10 minutes to sit up right.

It was my dad, he'd found me.

"Max someone's here and I'm pretty sure it's dad, what do I do?" I whispered to him, my eyes were beginning to water but I needed to compose myself.

"I'm on my way alright just hide, okay like we did when we were little sit in a wardrobe and stay quiet."

I did exactly that, i quietly crept to my room and opened the wardrobe but just as I pulled it open the creaking noise it made was loud enough to be heard from downstairs.

As quickly as I could I sat deep in the wardrobe and shut the door of it in-front of me "Someone's here finally." My father spoke loudly from downstairs, he'd fucking heard me.

"Max.. he's heard me Max." I whispered to the phone, my heart was going one hundred miles an hour.

"Why would he even be there melody?" Max asked and I shook my head forgetting he couldn't see me.

"I mean since Bahrain i reckon he's wanted to get another swing in-

"Wait what?" Max replied quickly, i then suddenly remembered that I'd never told him about the incident.

I sighed quietly as I heard my dad rummaging about downstairs "In Bahrain he found me and well he was angry and he hit me but luckily I hid in Charles' room. That's why he was late to the podium. Remember I told you I walked into a glass door-

"Fuck melody! Why would you keep that  from me?" He asked and honestly I didn't know, so I said nothing.

"I'm two minutes away maximum alright," he sighed "I'm sorry that happened to you."

"I wonder if it's my ungrateful bitch of a daughter or her sad excuse of a boyfriend." My dad snarled as he was coming up the stairs, inevitably closer and closer.

As I did in my youth, I closed my eyes and thought about how different my life may be like if my dad wasn't my dad.

"Melody what's happening?" Max asked and the second he said it he knew he was too loud as my breathe began to shudder and my dads footsteps were closer.

And without warning the wardrobe door flew open and my dad grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled me from wardrobe, I yelped as loudly as I could dropping my phone but hopefully max would be able to hear me.

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