twenty six

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He leaned closer to me and said in a whisper "Mel have you taken your injection today?"

I was struggling to respond "No it's in my bag." I referenced to the bag that Arthur had hung up.

Charles nodded "Okay let's go and do it then," he stood up and as I tried to I began to fall but he caught me just in time "Come on you."

He held my waist firmly and held my arm around his neck so I was up straight as he took me into the living room and put me on the sofa whilst he looked for the injection.

Pascale entered the room immediately behind his and she was followed by Arthur and Lorenzo "Melody are you okay?"

I was struggling to think straight so I just held up my thumb, Pascale came over and put her hand on my head "You're absolutely freezing."

I was shaking slightly "Lorenzo turn up the heating." She commanded and he did as such.

"Charles?" Arthur said slightly worriedly as he looked at me on the sofa, my shaking was getting worse as it often did in the evenings.

Charles came into the living room looking into my bag for the injection which thankfully he found pretty quickly.

His family all stood there silently and as embarrassing as this whole situation was they didn't say anything as they stood there.

Charles took the cap off of the needle and held it and made sure there was no oxygen bubbles "Melody alright, I'm going to do it in 3 2 1."

He said sticking the needle in my arm, and the shaking momentarily stopped as he pulled it out and went to put the injection away.

His family were still stood there silently watching as Charles came back into the room "Can one of you guys get her a blanket?" He asked the boys and they both went off to look.

I was still laying in the same place awaiting the pain to begin that often came after the injection. Charles picked me up and placed me on the bigger couch with a blanket that Lorenzo found.

"Melody how are you feeling?" Pascale asked in a sweet tone as she was kind of unsure as to what was going on.

Charles looked to me and spoke for me "In the evenings she has to take that injection for better muscle energy and it sort of develops over a few hours so typically she takes it at night because it's really painful but she won't endure the pain so badly if she sleeps through it."

I could hear the audible gasps in the room around me "I didn't know it was that bad." Lorenzo admitted looking over at me.

"How bad is the pain Mel?" Charles asked walking over and pulling my legs over his as he held me close.

My face was scrunched up "Solid 6 I reckon."

"That's only a six?" Pascale asked, "How long do you have to do these injections for?"

Charles replied once again as I shook "She has six months worth from doctors but next week they're going to take a look at where it will be longer or or shorter than that."

"Yeah but I'm two months in so not too long left hopefully. I'm so sorry this must be such a weird thing to watch." I apologised to them all.

"I mean I would never in my life trust Charles with an injection but I think it's honestly refreshing that you're this vulnerable with us." Arthur said sweetly.

"That's so cute." I replied as the pain began to go down a little.

"So the doctors don't know why this happens to you?" Pascale quizzed.

"Nope I'm a medical mystery. It honestly sucks because whilst I'm on these injections they don't really let me travel so I haven't seen any of the last few grand prixs in real life or my brother and my niece." I regretfully spoke.

"When we were stalking you before you got here we didn't know whether your niece was your daughter or not-

"Arthur!" Pascale exclaimed slightly embarrassed by what her son had admitted.

"Oh no Penelope is my step niece, well not until Max and Kelly get married but in my head she's 1000% my niece, she calls me auntie Mel and Charles uncle Charlie actually."

We continued to chat as the injection was kicking in and it was time to leave as the pain would soon be unbearable and I'd already embarrassed myself enough this evening.

"You two have to come up for a meal again soon." Pascale smiled as she gave me a massive hug.

"With your cooking skills how could we not." I replied grinning.

"Nice to meet you melody." Lorenzo smiled giving me a hug before I walked over to Arthur.

I embraced him In a hug "You make my brother really happy." He whispered to me and I just responded "Well he makes me really happy."

After all of our goodbyes were said we drove home and immediately went up to our bed where I would endure another night of pain.

"My brothers love you, and my mum would adopt you if it was possible." Charles admitted kissing me on the shoulder.

"I think I'd let her, I love them all so much you're so lucky." I smiled at him, his face inches away from mine as we kissed once again.

"I love you melody."

"I love you Charles."

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