Xander Is Still Ignoring Me

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I wake up in the morning and hop right in the shower. I feel gross. I can't believe I fell asleep being as dirty as I was. There is a faint scent of Xander in the room which tells me he came to check on me at some point in time. I strip down and get into the shower just letting the water run down my skin. I let my mind wander back to what will happen now that I ran from that horrid place.. Will he come after Xander? The palace? I am so worried about everyone. I need to talk to Xander immediately about the Vampires and what happened. I just don't know where he is in this gigantic place.

I finish up my shower and I find clean clothes. I stood in the room for about 5 minutes just staring at the wall trying to figure out how to talk to Xander about everything. I take a big breath and emerge from the room. I aimlessly walk around for about an hour not seeing anyone or seeing any room where Xander would be. I give up and start to find my way back to my room when I suddenly slam into Xander.

“Xander!” I say jumping slightly “I'm sorry I didn't mean to slam into you”

He just ignores me and shakes his head as he keeps walking. I sigh. I'm not going to push it. I don't want him to be more mad than he already is. I just sadly walk back to my room and plop on the bed. I rub my face angrily. Xander ignoring me is making me frustrated and I don't know how to fix it whatsoever. I text Damon to come to my room with Raya. I get no response so I lay down and take a nap.

I awaken from my nap to raya jumping on my bed giggling. I groan and sit up.

“Hello sleepyhead” Damon says from the corner laughing and shaking his head at Raya.

“Sorry it took us a minute, we were in a meeting regarding the vampires you saw” Raya says smiling.

“I wanted to be apart of that conversation” I pout

“He's not too concerned since they are not near our territory” Damon says.

I nod. “I wanted to talk to him about it but he is still ignoring me” I say

Raya starts stuttering. “Uh- so you see… He made me tell him what all you told me..” She trails off.

I sigh “Oh great so he's mad at me” I look at Damon and Raya.

Damon speaks up.

“He's not mad at you, He told me. He just needs a minute because he is very upset at Craig and Jacob for what they wanted to do to you. Just give him a little bit of time until he can control Shadow again” He smiles.

I nod. “Ooookay thank you Damon and Raya. It means alot I just don't know what to do because I don't want him angry with me..” I trail off

“Well you know he isnt mad at you!” Raya says excitedly

“I know, I know” I smile at her.

“Let's have a girls night and I can make this hunk of a man go and be with your boy toy” She says giggling.

I giggle and agree.

Here’s to girl’s night.

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