The Talk

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Sophia’s POV

I walk to the door shakily not prepared for who might be on the other side. I slowly open the door and come face to face with Xander. I stiffen even more than I already was. 

“H-hi” I mutter 

“Hello gorgeous,'' he says with a smile “I brought you some food from the Dining hall, I'd like to eat with you, If that's okay” He shakes the two plates in his hand. 

I smile softly and nod letting him in my room, I quickly shut the door before anyone sees. 

“Thank you, I appreciate it.” I tell him. 

“Of course” He says sitting on my bed. 

We eat in silence, enjoying eachothers company. My mate is absolutely handsome. The mate bond is making it absolutely hard to focus on my food. It's my favorite food too, Spaghetti. As I finish eating I set my plate on my nightstand. I look at him and blush a little seeing he was already looking at me. 

“We need to talk” I look at him flashing a sad smile. He looks at me shocked but that quickly disappears and nods 

“Yes my love?” he pats the spot next to him. I quickly take a spot next to him. 

“It's about the situation, Here at this pack” I say nervously. I hear him grind his teeth but continue. 

“When I was Seven years old, My pack was attacked by rouges. As my mom was ushering me and my brother to the safe house we were attacked by some of them. My mom told us to run, So we did. We made it to the safe house but unfortunately my mom died. My brother was scraped up and bruised as I was untouched. Ever since that day, I was blamed for my mom's death because I was untouched. When we got back my Father had made an announcement to the pack that I was the reason their Luna was killed and gave everyone permission to treat me like they please.” I hear a growl. He grabbed my hand to comfort himself and me. 

“Starting the next day, I was moved into a room that has absolutely no windows. Just a broken bed with the springs sticking out. I had nothing. I wasn't allowed to leave that room unless it was for chores, or an Alpha was coming to visit. That was the day the abuse started.” 

Xander stood up and started pacing, taking his hand through his hair. I continued on.

“My Dad would constantly hit me, and curse at me. The pack would always treat me like shit, spit in my direction, push me, Do anything they could to make me feel like shit. My brother was the lesser evil, He has only hit me a handful of times. He mostly curses at me. “

I take a deep breath before continuing

“I have scars everywhere from whippings. I'm usually covered in bruises. But when they found out you were arriving, They stopped hitting me, let me have my old room back and fed me. I was only allowed food once a week beforehand.  But since you're here, I'm allowed a full three meals as long as I eat it in my room and get it from the kitchen. I am not allowed to Leave the pack house, Unless it's to throw trash away which the trash can is right outside the door. My wolf has never been strong enough. When I first shifted it hurt more than it should have and that's the only time I've shifted. As of right now, Right after you showed up my wolf went missing. I don't know where she could've gone. “ 

I sigh with a tear falling down my face. I feel him wipe it. “If you need to know anything else I'm more than happy to share” I look at him and his eyes are flashing from Blue to red. His wolf is trying to take control. Wait, I've never seen a wolf with red eyes, I thought. I stiffen, worried he might accidently strike out at me. He noticed me stiffen and his wolf backed off and whimpered. He grabbed me into a hug. I snuggle deeper into his chest taking in the scent. I hear him take a deep breath 

“I'm going to get you out of here baby girl, I'm going to kill these motherfuckers and whoever decided to lay a hand on you” He says angrily. 

“I just want out, No one can know I told you anything, I'll get killed if they find out I said anything.” I breathe out quickly. 

“No one is going to hurt you ever again, You got that? Pack what stuff you have we are leaving tonight” He says sternly standing up. “I'm going to go let Damon know and get my things together” He kisses me on the forehead and leaves the room.

I'm scared, scared that my father is going to find out and kill me before we get the chance to leave. Or worse kill Xander. 

I grab a small suitcase I have in my room from when we would go on vacation and put a couple pairs of clothes in it. I also grab the picture of my mom off my table and put that on top so it's safe. I sit on my bed awaiting Xander to come back and grab me. I smile slightly, I'm going to be getting out of here with someone who won't hurt me, Hopefully. I still have some worries that Xander is going to hurt me. 

I'm truly hoping Xander won't just lash out before we get out of here. I hope he gets me out first before he does anything. 


Hello guys! I hope youre enjoying the story so far. Please feel free to leave a comment on what i could be doing different or any ideas youd like to see in the next several chapters. Thank you all so much, Much love!

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