He's Mad

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We pull up to the castle as there are still a few alphas here. Xander ignored me the whole way here. Damon just kept giving me reassuring looks. I feel horrible for what I did but at the same time I don't because I was protecting him and his family. I am so scared to try and explain this to him because I feel he won't understand or will take it the wrong way. My main concern now is the vampires that were in the area I was at. Vampires and werewolves have been going at it for decades. Is he even going to talk to me about that or is he just going to continue to ignore me?

I walk into the castle by myself and I see Raya. She walks over to me slowly. I can tell she is trying not to set Xander off either. 

“Are you okay, Sophia?” she asks.

“Yeah, as best as I can. Xander is ignoring me” I say sadly

“He was beside himself the whole time you were gone. He's mad at himself, not you. Just give him sometime.” she says, setting a hand on my shoulder.

“Does he know what went down” I ask

“From what I know, no. Here follow me and we will talk about it.” She smiles and starts walking.

I reluctantly follow her. Can I trust Raya enough not to be mad at me.. We will see…

After what feels like forever we arrive at Raya’s room and she locks the door behind us. She pats the bed for me to sit next to her. I do so.

“So, I willingly went with Jacob,” I blurt out.

She just stares at me and mutters a “What”

“I did it to protect Xander and you guys. I didn't want anything bad to happen to you all, he said they would leave everyone alone” I say as I start bawling.

She nods “I understand but you put yourself in danger to protect us. It's our job to protect you. You are our future queen. I'm not mad just upset that you felt like you needed to put yourself in harms way, What happened while you were there” She asks

I sigh and explain…


Here I am regretting my decisions. My wolf is constantly crying because she wants Xander and I am stuck in a cell surrounded by wolfsbane, which I know better than to touch. Go me with the smart ideas. I was just trying to protect everyone. I sigh and lay deeper into the cold concrete. You would think that since I came willingly they would treat me better. Ha, My thoughts are hilarious.

I drift off to sleep. Not very deep of a sleep but enough to count as sleep. I wake up to clanging on the cell door. I wake up and look at the person. It's Craig.

“Hello, whore daughter of mine” He gives me a sinister smirk. I just ignore him and roll my eyes.

“Since we are not in a talkative mood I would like to tell you that I am so glad you are finally home. We want to run some tests on your wolf. The first one is if you are immune to wolfsbane. Touch these bars for me. Or else I will make your life even more miserable, might even go after that little mate of yours..”

I nod and slowly reach my hand out. I touch the bars and nothing, no burning sensation or anything.

“Ginger, what the hell” I say in my head

She just giggles and goes back to whining about how she wants Shadow.

I sigh and take my hand off the bar.

He just looks at me with a blank stare.

“Now we are going to inject it in a very lethal dose just to, you know, see.” He smirks

“No you’re not, I am not your guinea pig that you can just test shit on.” I say standing my ground

He just chuckles and says he will be right back. He leaves the dungeon area. I smirk to myself and reach my hand out of the bars and open the door. I sigh in relief when it opens.

I run out of the dungeon and run upstairs trying to be sneaky. I peek around the door and take off out of it. I run through the house and out the door and b-line for the woods. My wolf begs to come out but I know it's going to hurt because we haven't shifted in a while so I hesitantly agree.

I shifted. I did it. We got shifted. It was super painful but I tried to keep quiet. Ginger stretches her limbs and takes off running. She told me that she is faster than most wolves and can make a faster getaway than my “Twiggy human legs' 'could. We ran and ran and we had to shift back because we are approaching a human town. I have no idea where we are. I find a payphone and some change and call Xander.


Raya looks at me with a shocked expression.

“I am so glad that you didn't get injured and got away as soon as you saw an opportunity. You're immune to wolfsbane? Only lycans and those of royal bloodline.. Is your wolf a lycan” She asks

“Not that I know of” I say shrugging.

“This is a true mystery, We will figure this out.” She smiles.

“How do I tell Xander” I look at her

“Just tell him everything you told me. He might be mad but don't take that to heart. They tried to hurt his mate. He will naturally be angry but more than likely not at you” She says giving me a reassuring smile.

I nod. Now to figure out when to tell Xander. She leads me to the room I will be staying in. It's separate from Xander for now. I lay on the bed and sigh.. What have I done…

My Alpha King Savior.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя