Shadow, Xander's Wolf

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After a very long drive we arrive at the safe house which is in the middle of nowhere and looks very small and kinda homey. There's already another car in the drive which I can only assume is Xander. I am so excited to see him. I have missed him so much. I sigh, getting out of the car. I stretch my arms and legs out and hear the house door swing open with aggression. I see a very disheveled Xander. His hair is a wreck, He looks like he hasn't slept in quite some time. I smile wide and run up to him. Practically jumping onto him. He catches me not without stumbling though. Someone is a little tired. We embrace in a hug for a while until a voice breaks us out of our trance. 

“Hey love birds, Help unload the cars. Xander you can check her out later. I promise you she's fine. You know we wouldn't let anything happen to her.” Raya says, reassuring him.

He doesn't say anything, just goes to the car grabbing my things and takes them inside to his room. Or should I say our room. I slowly walk into the house behind Xander. He throws my stuff onto the bed and walks over to the door slamming it shut, promptly locking it he stalks over towards me. Why isn't he letting me see his eyes? 

“That's not Xander doofus, That's Shadow” Ginger says excitedly “Don't do or say anything to make him angry, He's a lycan they cant control themselves like normal wolves.” She states 

I ignore her. Xander, Or should I say Shadow walks over to me burying his head into my neck taking in my scent. He lets out a low approving growl. I rub his back trying to keep him calm. He snaps his head up to look at me. Ah yes, There's the red eyes. I smile at him and see his eyes shift back to their natural color. Xander quickly grabs my arms searching them up and down. He lifts my shirt searching for whatever he is looking for. 

“Are you okay” He asks

“Yeah, I'm fine. Nothing happened Xander '' I say standing on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek. “Are you okay, I've never seen Shadow have control like that” 

“He wanted to be the one to greet you to make sure nothing happened. He's been on alert since the meeting.” He says running his hand through his thick hair. 

“What did happen at the meeting” I ask

He sighs and plops down onto the bed and pats the spot next to him. 

“It was the annual Alpha meeting so that we can make sure all packs are doing well and have everything they need. Well, Craig insisted he didn't have everything he needed and started accusing other packs of stealing from him. Of course, That started a fight. Craig then spoke up and said that He needed his daughter back then all of this could just blow over. Of course I refused. He said he needed your wolf because it was time to start your special training or something. I refused again so he started spewing threats at me and my castle. After that we all went to bed. Guards found Jacob at the packhouse in your room. Jacob said he was there to give a warning that if I don't hand you over to your dad that the rogues will just kill everyone who gets in the way, Including you. Which confirmed our suspicions of them working with the rouges.” He starts shaking in anger. 

I grab his hand and rub it with my thumb. I lean up against him “Ill be okay” I tell him

“What is so special about your wolf?” He asks. 

“Oh, Uh Ginger is A red wolf you see.. Apparently they are rare or something” I say shrugging. 

Next thing I know I'm laying on the bed with Xander over the top of me. His eyes the darkest shade of red, Shadow. Shadow has now taken control and I have no Idea why. I didn't say anything to trigger this kind of reaction. What does he know that I don't? After about five minutes of him having me pinned down to the bed Xander regained control and jumped off of me apologizing thousands of times. 

“Its okay, What was that about though” I ask while trying to catch my breath not realizing i had stopped breathing.

Xander chuckles. “He thought that was the hottest thing ever” He winks at me. 

I only roll my eyes and sigh. Xander checks the time. 

“Hey, I assume you didn't have lunch on your long drive, Lets go get a big Lunch. I hear Mom is making Tacos” He says wiggling his eyebrows I giggle and throw a pillow at him. He immediately catches it. 

“Let's go, I haven't had tacos before.” I say. 

He fake dramatically gasps and clutches his chest. 

“You haven't had tacos before? He asks, pretending to be offended. 

I giggle, “No i was never allowed to really have much” I say shrugging. 

He smiles and takes my hand pulling me downstairs. That's when I experienced the orgasmic food called tacos for the first time. 

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