First Night With Mate

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Sophia's POV

After Xander came back to the room and kicked everyone out we just sat here in complete silence next to each other. I don't know how comfortable I feel sleeping next to a man I hardly know..

I know he is my mate but it's a safety net for me. I would rather get to know him more, Trust him better instead of just jumping into things like most mates do. Most people when they meet their mates they have sex on the first night. I can't and won't do that. We have to build more of a bond before I feel comfortable with it.. But I still want to be in the same vicinity as him.

"Is It okay if I sleep on the couch over there until I'm more comfortable?" I ask softly, hoping not to make him angry.

He gives me a sad but understanding expression.

"No, I'll let you have the bed, I'll sleep over there on the couch instead, Make yourself comfy darling. It's only polite to let the lady have the bed." Xander says, making me smile.

"Can we talk tomorrow so i can get to know you better" I ask curious

He hesitates for just a second

"Sure, Anything you want to know i'll let you ask" He says with a smile.

He gets up and moves one of his pillows over to the couch. He saunters over and shuts off the light.

"Goodnight Sophia" He says softly

"Goodnight Xander" I mumble as I curl up into a ball on the bed and slowly drift off to sleep.

**Next morning**

I slowly open my eyes. My mate's scent is very faint which tells me he is no longer in the room with me. I sigh as I sit up and see a note on the side table. After studying the note for a second and letting my eyes adjust. I pick up the note and read it.

The note:

Goodmorning Darling, I am down in the kitchen making you breakfast. There are some clothes for you that I had Raya bring for you. I cleared my whole day for you. Come down once you've changed and are wide awake gorgeous.

Much Love,


I smile, He thought about me. It makes my heart warm and fuzzy. No one ever really thinks about me. I take a deep breath and grab some jeans and a long sleeve shirt out of the things Raya brought for me. I go into the bathroom and take a hot shower. I like my showers to feel like it's melting my skin off.

I get done with my shower and get dressed and slowly make my way to the kitchen. I say slowly because I am lost. This house is HUGE. From what I understand the only people who live in this house are Xander, Damon, Raya, And a few others. As I internally scold myself for getting lost I ran right into a very beautiful woman.

I look down and mutter "I am so sorry, I didn't mean to bonk into you"

"Oh! It's okay sweetheart, You look lost. May I ask where you are headed?" She questions tilting her head at me giving me a very kind smile

"Uh, I am trying to reach the kitchen but this house is so big I got confused" I sigh rubbing my forehead

"Oh hun it's right this way just follow me" She smiles softly at me leading me to the kitchen.

"Hello Xander" She says sweetly. A hint of jealousy runs through me.. Why am I jealous?

"Hey mom" He says, giving her a big hug.

Oh fucking hell. I got jealous of his mom? Im dumb. No, i didn't know that was his mom. It's okay. Wait, I just met my mate's mom.. I wonder if she knows.. I wonder if she hates me.

Xander snaps me out of my thoughts rubbing my back, it appears his mom is no longer in the kitchen. He chuckles.

"Are you okay darling? You seem to be in a different universe right now." He says trying to stifle more chuckles.

I blush from embarrassment.

"I'm okay, I got lost, your house is huge." I shrug.

"My mom told me you ran into her and seemed a little lost. You think this place is huge, wait until you see the castle." He chuckles again.

God, I love the sound of his laugh. I smile and smell something burning. I hear Xander curse under his breath and run over to the stove.

I laugh, "Do you want me to cook something for us?" I ask, smiling.

He looks at me defeated and nods.

"Unless you want burnt Pancakes" He points pouting

"Thanks but No thanks" I laugh.

As I look around his kitchen my eye's fall to Xander

"What breakfast foods do you have? I ask curious

He thinks for a moment "There is bacon in the fridge and i have more pancake mix" He says

I gather up the materials for breakfast

As I start to cook the bacon and pancakes I notice Xander standing close behind watching my every move. I think he's trying to learn.

I get done. I give Xander his plate and set mine in a seat next to him.

He takes a bite and moans softly.

"Mmmm these are so good" He exclaims.

I smile and say "Thank you" as I enjoy my breakfast.

I think to myself the questions I am going to ask him today. I hope I don't push the wrong button or ask the wrong things. What are the wrong things to ask an alpha king? Let alone, your mate.

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