Chapter 10: Meeting Adam

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“That night, I had some money on me. It was for an assignment. A contract for the new company I am working with. I didn’t want to spend the money. I expected that in the matter of a few days, they would make more money to replace that, but it didn’t happen. Right now, my bosses are asking for the money.”

I felt a breath close to me and turned back. One of my bodyguards, Calvin, guiding the main entrance, was standing right next to me.

“What are you still doing here?” I raised a voice at him with blazing eyes. “Find something doing! Just leave!”

“Sorry ma’am.” Calvin replied with his head bowed. He was another annoying worker like Oaklyn.

“She said leave! It’s better you go in and shut the door!” Chris intervened. “Stop embarrassing me like this, especially in front of your workers. What kind of nonsense?!”  He turned his anger at me as Calvin left.

I just watched him silently with a glare.

“Well, that’s not why I’m here.” Chris’s voice dropped from the look on my face.

“As I was saying. My bosses are asking questions. What I’m shooting at is, can you give me some loan? I’ll pay you back.”

“How much is the money?” I asked him.

“Let’s just do it 50% of what we spent.” He suggested with a nervous laugh. “You remember you ordered for a bottle of Chateau Lafitte, not me. I don’t mind because I want the best for you and I can give you anything! Even spending my last cash on you.”

“Please, how much do you want? Send me your account number, and I’ll do an immediate transfer.” I snapped my fingers at him, pissed at his sudden sluggishness.

“I still have the receipt here.” Chris deepened his left hand into the side pocket if his clean blue jeans. Pulling it out by showing it to me. Here it is, it’s just $300,000.”

“What is your account number?”

“Here it is.” He scoffed, pointing at the paper that was fairly faded on the sheet.

“You came with your account number written?”

“That’s because I don’t know it offhand.” He joked. I wondered what was funny. “I am a very occupied man and the only numbers I know are my age and phone contact.”

I scrolled through my inbox and transferred the money.

“I’ve sent you the money so you can check your credit balance on your phone.”

Shocked to the bones, a full smile of gratitude graced his chapped lips. “Umm, thanks so much. I’m truly grateful.”

“Can you just check your phone to be sure about it?” I snapped at him in irritation.

“Thing is that, my phone had some fault and I haven’t had time to go fix it.” He explained, stammering while flashing a ridiculous smile at me.

'How seductive? It’s the fifth time of asking me for money in just 2 weeks that we met. It’s crystal clear that this Chris guy is a gigolo, a male gold digger, a kept man. Too bad I fell for his charms, hoping he’d be supportive and a hard worker. Chris was a smooth talker, after all. All I'd been doing since we met was taking care of him financially. The last time, he cried, that his cancerous mother was dying. I had to send him $500,000 for her treatment and hospital bills. The other day was his car’s endless issue, and before then was, he said he got involved in an accident. It’s as if I’m being played. I can sense it already. Whether on the phone or when we meet, he hardly talks about his personal life except his life complications wrapped up like an old, mumble-jumble, sewing thread. Chris isn’t with me for love, but for my cash!'

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