Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Welcome back you son of a bitch!" Baji yelled as the original members of Tokyo Manji Gang ran straight up to their friend who seems to be slowly suffocating with the strong amount of pressure from the hugs they're giving him.

"Guys, thank you...but I'm kind of suffocating?" Kazutora tried to form the words properly, yet the sound of gibberish only came out as he is searching for oxygen needed for his lungs that are being crushed by his childhood friends.

He knew death would come for him one day but not in this way.

"He's dying, idiots." Mucho stated, making all of the original members finally let go of the poor Kazutora who finally managed to catch his breath.

He gave a look of relief and uttered a thank you to Mucho, to which Mucho only responded by nodding with a light smile.

"Tora, you look like crap." Mikey uttered, the rest of the gang silently laughing at their captain's remarks.

"No shit, Mikey I've been hanging on for dear life in there." Kazutora chuckled. Taking notice of the few new members looking and smiling awkwardly at the messy friend group of his.

"Hey. Are you guys new?" Kazutora asked, the new faces to him seemed confused. Unable to answer for themselves except for a pink-haired one that was preparing to answer him.

"Well, for you yes we are new. Kawata Nahoya or Smiley as they call me. I'm the former fourth division captain," He paused, flashing a more casual smile than he already has on, "Pleasure to finally meet you!"

The rest soon followed with their introductions, gaining their confidence to speak up after Nahoya introduced himself. Kazutora would lie if he wasn't a little bit overwhelmed by the friendly nature of the new former captains but either way they all seemed to be nice and doesn't really judge him for looking like a mess.


After everyone kept on arguing on which motorcycle Kazutora should ride on, much to Mikeys and Bajis despair, Kazutora went to ride on Mitsuyas simply because he was the only person who didn't really participate in the arguing.

Even though Mitsuya kind of did that on purpose so that Kazutora would pick him instead. He knew Kazutora knew that, knowing the two (Baji and Mikey) would end up not letting it go with each other. Their childish fight could start here and continue for days.

"I'm holding grudges." Mikey repeated for the twentieth time as they made their way to their usual meeting place for Toman. A mix of sighs and chuckles could be heard from the crowd behind him.

"Guys, let's get some food along the way. I'm a little bit hungry." Draken expressed, everyone else could see Mikey already agreeing to this so they all changed their course to the near by convenience store just a few blocks from their usual place.

The boys all entered the store with a few growling stomachs, their eyes shining at the multiple choices they have. Cup noodles, chips, soda, candy, and much more; all to which Kazutora doesn't seem to have interest in whatsoever. He seems fine with anything so he just lets everyone else pick things first then he'll decide later on.

"Hey Kenchin, did Takemitchy say he'll catch up with us?" Mikey said while carrying a whole batch of dorayaki and soda on his arms.

"A new name again..." Kazutora thought as he looked through the aisles of potato chips with numerous unique flavors.

"Yup. He said he'll come on over once Tachibana and Emma are finished with whatever shopping they went to." Said by Draken who was the only one who's carrying a basket with him filled with snacks as well.

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