Chapter 7 - 【Ever Heard Of, "Calm tf Down?!"】

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Amidst of all the chaos they were in, Cale had forgotten that Eren was there.


"Uhmm...long time no see?"

"Whaㅡ? How?"

"I'll tell you all later. We have an urgent business to finish right now."

Cale then turned around and looked at Kitz dead in the eye. If the captain knew his familial relationship with Alberu right now, he won't hesitate to give him a taste of his own medicine.

"Who are you to interfere military business?!"

"Old man, if you knew me, you would be shitting your pants right now. Are you sure that is your question?"

Cale showed his scamming smile as he deactivated his Silver Shield since he can see most of the soldiers slowly lowering their weapons.

A horrible decision, really.

A single sound of gunshot permeated through everyone's ears as Cale almost got thrown back from the impact. His own blood splashing in the air as he looked at the captain with wide eyes.


The redhead leaned towards Alberu for support as he grimaced.

"Argh this bastard, it fucking hurts."

Cale looked at the pistol that is in Kitz's hands and to his bleeding chest. Bastard fucking shot him right in his heart!

「The fucking audacityㅡ!」

「That's it! Why does everyone wants you dead?! It's not like they're the one who was keeping you alive right now!」

「...Preach, crybaby.」

「Oh you too, fuck off! I'm working!」

Eren, Mikasa and Armin ran towards where their teacher and Cale is as they tried to support him as well. If earlier, the soldiers lowered their weapons, they raised it again when Eren started to move.

Eren was angry, and he was about to bite his hand again when Cale held it firmly.

Cale was beyond pissed. And as if to mock the guy who shot him, he stood straight as the bullet removed itself right from his chest before smiling indifferently.

Goodness, he just relieved his stress earlier when he tortured a redhead titan. And now his stress is starting to rise again in a fast pace.

His Dominating Aura was in full force.

"A titan! You're a titan!"

Cale felt the cheapskate's power crackling at the tip of his fingers as he tried to suppress it once again. Even if the people in front of them have measly sized brains, they are still needed to fight against those titans.

His chest kept bleeding even though the bullet had kindly fucked off. Cale knew it, getting hit at that area will have a setback.

He coughed of blood which elicited a worried scream from his hyung-nim, the aura deactivated itself. He also pressed his chest with his hand to maintain pressure, he can't have dying due to blood loss now.

They need to persist until Commander Pyxis arrives, then Cale could run away from here and recuperate.

Fuck these short tempered people, he already have Levi to deal with.

"What is going on here?"

It was on instinct, as Alberu placed his fist in his chest to greet the newly arrived Commander Pyxis. Cale gave him a baffled look, almost snorting.

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