Heavy lies the crown

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Roan POV:

It's been a little over a week since Bellamy and Clarke left. Although nothing new has happened, it feels as though everything has changed. The air a little thicker and stickler sweet. I am on my last strand of patience. Ekko has become more and more persistent with her self appointed role of advisor to me.

Ekko waits for me in the throne room as I enter. We have been working to repair the damage done by Allie and her followers for the past week. It has paid off and the lift is now repaired and the stairs are almost complete.

"Welcome to your throne room, my king." Ekko sucks up. "Now that the lift has been repaired,I've doubled the gaurd on the doors at every floor."

"Expecting trouble?" I questions her.

"I trust only Azgeda." Ekko says giving me a pointed look. "Your mother taught me that. Our people loved her for it."

I see past her manipulation easily.

"Our people feared her, Ekko."

'Because she was fierce and vicious."

"My mothers ambition, her disregard for Lexa's alliance got her killed."

"If I may, why do you insist on ruling as Lexa did when its not what's best for our people. At least tell me there's a reason."

The reason steps through the door as the words leave Ekko's mouth. Calla is dressed in new armour. Black cloth hugs her skin tightly. Chainmail rests over her abdomen, at my request she has added more protective metal to her outfits. She has died the top Mayer of her crimson locks black and it flows like silk behind her. A skirt of crimson matching her hair drapes over her hips and catches between her legs as two slits travel up the length of her legs. The slits reveal thigh high boots adorned with clips and pockets she stashes with blades. Metal adorns her fingertips, making her fingers look like talons, they are sharp too, I've felt first hand. Her face is clear if not for the metal cuff over her lip that travels down her chin. Her amber eyes seem to glow red as she walks towards me, Kane following closely behind.

"Forgive the intrusion, your highness." Kane says. "May we have a word, privately."

"You can wait." Ekko speaks and my anger flares. "Like the other ambassadors.

"Ekko, leave us." I order her. "Now."

"We were right to be concerned about Trishanakru." Kane states.

"Rafael plans to challenge you for control." Calla's voice is like honey to an aching throat, soothing and sweet, no matter what her words are.

"Bold move for a new ambassador." I say, standing from my throne and crossing the room to them. "So? Let him come."

"With respect, you're still recovering." Kane says.

"The law says you can choose someone to fight for you." Calla says.

"No, the clans will never accept a leader who hides behind the law, or another warriors blood." I give a pointed look to Calla, hoping she understands I will never put her in a position to die for me.

"Then you'll die. Lexa kicked your ass without a bullet hole in your chest."

"We should cancel the gathering." Kane interrupts. "or delay, untill your strong enough."

"No, letting the ambassadors have a choice keeps the peace here." I turn back to my throne and sit. "Azgeda holds the city through force alone, and the flame wont keep the clans at bay forever. It they unite agains us , we could loose, and if we loose.."

"They come for Skaikru." Calla says.

"And the radiation comes after us all."

"No one has to die." Kane says. "The point of our arrangement is to give us time to find a solution to save everyone."

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