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I bolted after octavia, not to chase her though, to look for Roan's body. I find CLarke and Bellamy and decide to join them. We wander the streets, they indulge in conversation but my priorities are elsewhere. My eyes scan the ground, the crosses, everywhere I might find the brutish king of Azgeda. A woman cries out and Clarke runs over to her. She cries over her dead husband.

"He didn't fall." Bellamy states.

"He chased me in the city of light, Lexa killed him."


"Wanheda." The woman yells. "You did this."

"What, No..I."

The people around us stare at me and back away. I want to tell them it wasn't me but they wouldn't bileave me. Fine I have to find Roan. We begin moving again and find Abby and Kane.

"Good, you're down. We have to go." Clarke says.

'What about the wounded." Abby asks,

"The grounders don't want our help." Bellamy adds.

"They think I caused this."

"The rovers in the north woods." Clarke says.

Ravens voice sounds over the radio and mh hope sparks.

"Hello? Bellamy, please come in."

"Raven, you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. We're all here in one peice."

"There's something we need you to look into."

"First tell me how my friends are. Are Clarke and Calla okay?"

"I'm here thank to you." Clarke says.

"We're all good here, Raven." I chime in.

"Raven, dad Allie ever tell you why she created the city of light?"Clarke asks her.

"No, why?"

"The king, He's alive. We need a healer." Someone calls out in tridelshang.

My feet take off faster than my mind thinks. I sprint to the origin of the call. I see them hauling Roans limp body from one of the crosses. They lay him on the ground and I fall to my knees beside him. His curls are matted to his face with blood and grime. I place my hand on the side of his face and keep his head up while Abby moves him to his back.

"He got shot trying to help me. I thought he was dead." I inform Abby and Marcus.

Abby feels his pulse and frowns.

"Not yet but he's close."

Abby tilts him on his side to see his back. There is no blood where the bullet wound is.

"No exit wound, we have to get that bullet out fast."

A sword is pressed to my throat and my hands fly up.

"Get away from our king." A woman says, forcing me to stand.

"Wait please no." Abby pleads.

"We're healers, he has a bullet in his chest we need to get It out."

"Your making a mistake, were part of the coilition." Marcus shows the woman the brand on his forearm.

"I could save him, but you have to let me." Abby says.

"We have our own healer." The woman hisses. "Take the king to the embassy with the rest of our dead. Do it now!"

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