Chapter 48 - A Part Of Him That He Couldn't Accept

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This will be the last chapter that Rayver Luciano will be mentioned.



A few years ago


A young man in his late twenties was sitting at the uncomfortable, blue plastic chairs, but even the inconvenient feeling did little to steer his mind from second-guessing his actions. 

Should he just go back? This is too stupid. They're probably going to think he's crazy or something like that. Worse yet, they're going to kick him out while dissing him. 

Yes… His self-confidence was close to nonexistent. Finally, the clock reached the time that he had been both awaiting and dreading. Now, he had to go. It surely was now or never, and while he was hesitant, he knew that this would certainly be for the better good for his mentality, despite it being… Strange and awkward. 

He stood and walked into the front of the door, inhaling deeply, and exhaling a long breath. This was it. He had finally gathered enough courage and came. He thought he'd never do this, but apparently, things had become… Worse. 

Giving himself a mental pep talk, he opened the door and was met with a man in his thirties, sitting leisurely but professionally at the table. He eyed the contents of the table; various objects were placed, some of which were having correspondence with the vibe of the room and the reason that they were in the room. Other than that, there was also a stack of tissues at the coffee table which was a few feet away from the desk. 

"Ah, yes! Come in, come in. I do apologize for the mess; my previous patient had a breakdown." The man sitting behind the desk started, standing to gather the tissues and dump them into the trash can at the corner of the room. 

'I noticed.' The newcomer thought to himself, recalling the young woman that exited the room a few minutes ago, bawling her eyes out. He didn't want to even fathom what her problem was. He had enough of his to worry about someone else's. 

"Now, why don't you come and sit down, young man? Uh, how old are you?" The owner of the room inquired, going back to his leather seat as the visitor followed the directions and sat as well. 

While he knew that this person knew his age, he decided to humor the one questioning him, as it was in his nature to not be rude. "I'm turning twenty-seven in a few weeks." He stated, giving a polite, but tight-lipped smile. 

"Oh, well, advance happy birthday. By the way, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Doctor Lee Parkinson." He outstretched a hand urging the young man to shake it. Which he did. 

"Yeah, you're kind of famous for being the, uh, best in your… Profession." The patient awkwardly replied, cringing inside at his words. To be fair, social interaction was not his forte. 

"Right." The doctor grunted, but still managed to keep his kind smile, "If you weren't aware yet, we give our patients their privacy here, so it is up to you if you would like to tell me your real name, or if you have some other name you'd like me to call you."

He smiled, "Oh, um, you can call me Ray. Just Ray."

Doctor Parkinson didn't divulge any longer in this matter and nodded his head complacently. Then, he continued giving some ice-breaking questions to ease his patient's visible tension. 

"Are you in a relationship, Ray?" 

Ray smiled, looking a bit more confident in this topic, "Ah, yes. Have been for more than a year now." 

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