Chapter 1 - My Confusion Level Just Hit Sky High

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Rayver POV

"Hey, hey, hey! Look who it is."

Here we go again.

"It's our wittle orphan. Where'd you get those glasses, freak? The dumpster?" The whole group of them laughed like it was the best joke ever.

I can't even see how that is funny. At all.

But if course, I don't say that out loud. Or else bully number twenty-four might choose this day to beat me up.

I don't even bother knowing their names.

Anyway, I wouldn't want bruises now, explaining to the kids at the orphanage is pretty hard.

I keep silent and continue walking with the groceries in hand.

Unlike most ㅡ by most, I mean normalㅡ kids, or people in general, I hate summers.

If by school days they can bully me in a few hours a day, at summer break, they have the whole week to torture me.

So now, I'm thankful that school is starting in two days!

Still ignoring their hollers of supposedly hurting words, I walked to the orphanage with a slight skip on my step.

Mrs. Pepper's Orphanage, the sign read at the top of the porch. I've been here since I was a few months old.

Ever since then, I've been waiting for someone to adopt me. The kids who were my age already got adopted, and those who didn't succumbed to the dark side.

They were the ones who ran out of the orphanage and joined some gangs and stuff, or so I've heard.

But not me, I am just here, waiting for my eighteenth birthday so I can legally get out of the orphanage, and into college.

I have also decided that after college, I would help out Gramma Pepper with the orphanage.

That's my dream; to make sure all of the kids get nice, loving families. I would also make sure that the family they'd get weren't abusive, like other families I've heard of from the kids who got into the orphanage.

As I neared the place I call home, I could see that there were three black SUV's parked outside.

Instantly, I got worried for Gramma Pepper, but what could I do against whoever was in there?

Quickly making sure that no one could see me, I slipped through the back door and into the small building.

I left the groceries that I still had in hand in the kitchen and went up to Gramma's office.

Making sure to look both ways in case there were any unknown people, I found none, so I rushed to her closed door.

Still looking behind me in case, I opened the door and said, "Gramma, I think there are some people outside..." I trailed off once I turned my head to the room.

In there were ten or twelve big, buff guys in suits, their hands behind their backs.

I gulped in fear and searched for Gramma with wide eyes, only sagging in slight relief once I saw that she was sitting on her rocking chair unharmed.

She even looked... Pleased..?

She clasped her hands, "Oh, Ray! Thank heavens you've arrived. I have some wonderful news, my dear."

"Really?" I ask with curiosity.

She motioned me to step closer to her, so I do, but warily looking at the guy who was beside her. He was the one who looked like the leader in here.

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