Chapter 46 - Do With Me As You Will

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A week before the wedding.



A fit of coughs once again assaulted me. After I struggled to calm myself down with deep breaths, I took out my phone and looked at the time. Great, still have a few hours before I need to get back to my queen.

After getting these severe coughs, I continuously postponed the idea of going to a check-up. Just never had the time and care to do it, I guess.

Well, would there be anything more important than going straight home to see the love of my life?

This has been going on for months already, and before, I thought that this would pass by, but until now, it hasn't. Instead, it became worse.

I didn't want Regina to worry, so I hid it from her. She doesn't need to think about such heavy things.

Thinking resolutely, I decided to go on a detour to the hospital.

Ah, this is just probably nothing.



I frowned, feeling impatient. What is taking so long? It's just a simple prescription, does this doctor need to make me wait so long before he answers?

My Regina is waiting, and she hates it especially when I come home late.

"Mr. Flare..."


"Before I tell you my diagnosis, I would like to ask a few questions." The doctor said, looking stiff.

I raised a brow, "Fine, but make it quick. I have a woman to get home to." I'm not ashamed of that fact, so I say it outright.

He coughed uncomfortably, then proceeded on questioning me, "Since when have you been having these coughs?"

I think about it, "If we're being specific, then about four to five months ago. I didn't pay attention then."

To my surprise, the doctor paled white. Before I could question what was up with his reaction, he already continued questioning me.

"Starting from three to four years ago, have you been having a drink or food that you always consume? One that barely misses a day to enter your system?"

Again, I frowned, not quite getting what was with his alarmed expression. Nonetheless, I think about what he said. After a while, I answer him.

"No, none that I recall. Why is that?"

Hearing my answer, the old doctor frowned, then heaved a heavy sigh. Alright, to admit, this is making me uncomfortable. If only I wasn't here as a patient, and the fact that Regina is waiting for me...

Taking off his glasses, the doctor then said, "Before I say what my diagnosis is, I have to warn you, from now on, all the food that you have in stock, throw them away. If you have any cooks or maids, then I suggest it's about time to let them go. If there's anyone that you don't fully trust in your household, throw them out."

I'm taken aback.

Getting my composure together, I ask with a heavy heart, "Why is that?" I don't think I want to know, but I'm aware that I should know.


"You've been poisoned."


"Honey, I'm home!" I holler.

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