Chapter 45 - I'd Rather Die On My Feet, Than Live On My Knees

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Countless people in black stormed into the cathedral, alarming the guests present. Each one of them had a gun with them, pointing toward the couple in the middle. Without stopping, they all encircled the church, standing on what could seem like a well-practiced formation. 

The guests that had nothing to do with the Mafia businesses eagerly and quickly left. Surprisingly, they all went out unscathed and hurriedly fled the scene, not wanting to be caught in the crossfire. The reporters had all left as well, even though they had wanted to stay and get some scoop, they were all scared shirtless of the suspicious people. Even the priest has already run away. 

Meanwhile, all of those that were in the Mafia had quickly taken out their guns, pointing toward the unexpected enemies. Strange, why didn't the snipers do anything about them? Unless… They had already taken out those snipers. 

From the other side of the cathedral, another squadron suddenly entered. Upon recognizing who those people were, the few members of the British Mafia that were present at the wedding were relieved. Backup was here, and they outnumbered these intruders. 

With both sides welding guns, silence embraced the whole place. Since the opposing side hasn't taken the first shot, the other didn't dare to. 

A cough broke the silence bringing everyone's attention to the two people still standing in front of the altar. 

Cavillor couldn't stop coughing. Unlike before, this coughing fit was far stronger than those before. Surprising him, his strength suddenly seemed to have left his body, causing his knees to buckle. This action made him look as if he was kneeling on the floor. Kneeling to Regina.

Unable to stop it, blood dropped to the floor, coming from Cavillor's mouth. His sheer white clothes were then stained with the crimson stain of blood, contrasting heavily.

He looked up at the woman that he loved, his eyes portraying a clear message, "Help."

But when he met her eyes, he stiffened. They were… Cold. 

Utterly emotionless. 

Still, he wanted to try. Maybe, just maybe, there was still a small part of him in her heart. Just… A tiny bit of hope. 

"Help…" Cavillor whispered through the silence, glancing up and meeting his beloved's cold eyes, "Help me, Regina…"

He again coughed blood, staining her dress with the crimson liquid.

She eyed him indifferently. "That defeats the plan, don't you think? Why'd I waste all of my efforts every day just to heal you?"

After a few seconds, he then realized that she had been poisoning him all along with the coffee she gave him every day. She always called it poison… 

And now…

Arthur Willows, Cavillor's father's former second in command and the father of Nicholas, the current second in command, realized what she had done as well and yelled, "What are you all doing? Shoot her!"

Alas, no one moved. Even though she had indeed poisoned their king, she was now legally married to him, thus crowning her their Mafia's Queen. And everyone knew of the first law that Cavillor made was that the Queen had a higher stature than the king.

Not only that, but she had successfully gathered the members' respect, even more than Cavillor himself. This realization made the remaining people that were loyal only to Cavillor pale, their blood running cold. 

"Why…" Cavillor choked out, "Why would you do this? I thought that you…"

"I 'what'? Huh? Love you?" She scoffed, narrowing her eyes, "Please, Cavillor. I'm shocked that by now you haven't realized that this —whatever this is— between us was all a lie."

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