Chapter 24 - I Am Worth To Be Called Her Brother

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Regina POV

The first thing I heard was shattering glass. Next came bullets, then the screams, and finally, pure chaos.

My eyes first searched frantically at the whole auditorium which was filled with anarchy. Finally finding Rayver, I breathed a heavy sigh of relief when I found him unharmed. Oh, thank goodness.

Making eye contact with Cavillor's cold and harsh green ones next, which were the complete opposite of just a few seconds ago, we had a silent conversation that none of us was responsible for this. Nodding to each other, we agreed without words to go check whatever the fuck that was.

Taking my gun that was hidden in a strap on my thigh, I cocked it, clashing through the throng of students that came crashing my way, heading towards the exit. As my dress almost made me trip for the third time, I briefly paused and tore the expensive fabric until it reached up to my knees.

With my in-group following behind closely, we approached the broken wall of glass. Seriously, who the hell has it in their right minds to make a wall out of glass?!

Since we are on the first floor, we jumped down to the artificial forest floor. With the British Mafia right beside us, we slowly and quietly walked on, ready to shoot if necessary. Normally, we wouldn't work with each other, but since it tried to harm them as much as they did to us, we have to go here at the same time.

As we went further, someone finally noticed something. "Here!" Angelo called.

We all hurried over to him, seeing nothing at first, but then saw a streak of green paint in an 'X'. Knowing who it is, I made eye contact with Cavillor.

Russians. Our mutual enemy.


"What happened back there, Regina?" Fuck, why does his voice filled with fear make me feel guilty?

I inhaled, "Don't worry about that, Rayver. I'll fix it all." I say, more to myself than to him. Couldn't have him living in a life full of danger right? Oh, wait, he's a Mafia prince. That's inevitable!

"Alright..." He reluctantly said, letting the conversation go.

Finally, we reached home. Parking messily at the front of the door, I jumped out of the car even before he could. With quick steps, I headed up to Padre's office, knowing that he would still be working up to this hour.

"Padre!" I shout, bursting the doors open, making him slightly jump in surprise.

"Regina, Look, I wanted to say--"

"Apologies, Padre, but this is far too important." I cut him off with a serious look on my face, making his own harden.

"What is it?" He demanded, and I readily told him what happened. Of course, leaving out how I almost fucked the enemy in public.

When I finished, he was silent, taking it all in. After a while, he said, leaning forward, "The annual event for all the leaders, heirs, and second in commands is in two weeks. We'll take this situation up there. Everyone knows that America belongs to the British and the Italians. Attacking in the middle ground, which is the school, will only entice war."

I nodded in agreement, plans formulating in my mind rapidly, but was abruptly stopped in alarm at my father's next words.

"I'll tell Ray to prepare--"

"No!" I growl loudly. "We are not taking Rayver with us!"

Padre looked at me in shock before levelling me with a glare of offence that I got from him. "And why not? He's a part of this family, he should come with us!"

I glared right back. "He is not ready. We are going to a room full of lethal, unforgiving people who eat kids like him for breakfast. He can't even hold his ground between me sometimes! So, no. He. Is. Not. Going."

I will never risk his safety.


Rayver POV

"He is not ready. We are going to a room full of lethal, unforgiving people who eat kids like him for breakfast. He can't even hold his ground between me sometimes! So, no. He. Is. Not. Going."

As silently, as I could, I closed the door fully and walked to my own room. As I was walking, I couldn't help but get drowned in my thoughts.

What does Regina mean by all that? Through all that time together, doesn't she know that I've changed? Does she really see me so weak that I can't protect myself? Does she think I'm too faint-hearted?

Well, I don't think so!


I have changed a whole lot since I first arrived here, and I am a Mafia Prince! Not some cowardly wimp.

Ray, that's not what she meant--

How would you know? Always, whenever I ask about something in the Mafia, she brushes me off! Does she think that I'm not worth her telling me what her problems and woes are?!

I... I don't know.

Yeah, you don't know. You don't because you're just a figment of my imagination!

Opening the door to my room and entering, I leaned against it, fists clenching by my sides.

So she thinks I'm spineless? I'll show her who's spineless. In two weeks, I'm going to follow her to this event, undercover, just to prove to her that I'm worth it.

I am worth it.

I am worth being called her brother.



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