19. I am deeply in love with your son.

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"I don't need to explain myself to you." I said flatly.

"Oh come on, don't you think I deserve an explanation since you literally used me?" His eyebrows rose.

"How did I use you? I just kissed you to make my boyfriend. Ex boyfriend mad." I paused thinking of what I just said.

"Yeah I see your point." He laughed a little.

"But Carlos I have a question for you." I liked the sound of his name, that's why I kept say it.

"Go on."

"How come I have never noticed you before. Like at school I mean." I asked.

"Why would you?"

"I mean you are pretty noticeable." I said without a care in the world.

He lifted one eyebrow and smirked. Smirked "In what way?" He teased.

"Well you are tall, handsome and you smell incredibly good. What's there not to notice?" I wasn't gonna lie so I might as well just say it as it is.

"I am a transfer student. I begin Monday, but Miss Gregg begged me to come to the trip so I would get to know you guys." He explained.

"Makes sense. Are you from Italy?" I asked.

"Yeah. But I have lived here a big part of my life."

"I can hear it in your accent." I smiled a little. I liked that too, his accent I mean.

He started getting up. "I should probably get you home now. Don't want your mother being angry with me when I pick you up for the second date."

"Im really not looking for a relationship right now." I said.

"Me either." I gave him a confused look.

"We don't have to date to go on dates." I raised my eyebrows.

"I'll think about it." I said still skeptical.

"Sure, you can give me a answer tomorrow."

"Why tomorrow?" I asked confused.

"Me and my family are coming over for dinner at your moms tomorrow." He said happily.

"Of course you are."

He drove me home and when I got inside my mom ran over to me. "Why do you look angry sweetie?" She asked hysterically.

"You invited them over for dinner. What if the date had gone horribly!" I said frustrated.

"Well did it?"

"No." I almost whispered. "But that's not the point!" I hissed.

"I knew you would love him! You have a boyfriend!" I didn't say anything because I saw how excited she was about it. So I just went to bed.

The bed was not like I left it. It was nicely made and with new sheets in blue. Two black candles were lit on the nightstand. I blew them out and fell asleep.

The next morning was pretty normal. I had breakfast, FaceTimed Sophie for a little and talked to my mom.

"When are they coming over?" She looked at the time.

"In three hours."

"Ok, what do you want me to wear?" I asked.

"I have picked out a beautiful dress for you. I had Mary put it in your room."

I walked upstairs and took a long shower. I blow dried my hair and straightened it after. "Agh!" I jumped in sudden pain. I burned my neck with the straightener. It left a little red mark. My mom would definitely think it was a hickey so I put some foundation on to cover it.

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