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Chapter Twenty-Two:
Not Your Enemy

Pearl Essence McClay Jacksonville, Florida

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Pearl Essence McClay
Jacksonville, Florida

Pearl watched as Blanco parked in front of a small diner that was out of town. Of course she panicked a bit when she realised that he'd left town and she didn't even know him like that but she didn't really care now, all that mattered was food.

Pulling the mirror down, Pearl reapplied her lip liner before applying a thick coat of lip gloss on her lips. She smiled and popped a mint into her mouth before glancing at Blanco who was already staring at her with adoring eyes. Ignoring him, she fixed her clothes before stepping out the car and shutting the door.

She was wearing a black, cropped vest with some lakers shorts. Pearl finished off the outfit with some white airforces, gold hoops and gold jewellery. Some might say this was overdressed for school but she didn't care, she always wanted to look her best. Luckily, she was am over-dresser, if she wasn't then Blanco would've caught her looking like a whole bum in a graveyard.

"You coming or not, grandpa?" She asked before she turned around and walked into the diner, smiling as she heard old soul music playing. The smell of food filled the air which just made her mouth water in hunger, everything smelt amazing and even the seats looked comfortable.

"You ain't got no home training." Blanco shook his head as he pushed the door open and walked inside, seeing Pearl already seated and ordering some food. He eyed her as she talked to the waitress respectfully before thanking her and watching the waitress.

"Am I a dog? About home training." Pearl turned to look at him while she rolled her neck, "I know I'm young but I ain't no pet." She said before turning around and pulling her phone out.

Blanco stared at her for a second before walking up to her booth and sitting in front of her. He put his phone and keys on the table before he put his arms together and rested them on the table while he stared at an agitated Pearl.

"What's wrong, Pearl?" He asked seriously, she wasn't normally this mouthy so obviously something was bothering her which was making her act out. She was normally confident, not defensive. His eyes were glued on her, observing her every move to try and decipher her feelings.

Pearl sighed and as she glanced up to make an excuse, her eyes met a very worried pair of eyes. This man that she hadn't even known for a long time, looked at her in a way no one had ever looked at her. The worry that painted his features shocked her, it made her want to be honest. She owed him that much since he seemed to genuinely care.

"My daddy tried getting in contact with me." Pearl shrugged, she hated talking about him but she knew that it was because she didn't talk about him enough.

"What's the problem?" Blanco questioned, the deep baritone of his voice dripping with curiosity.

"When my mama died, he blamed me for it. Said I'm the reason she was driving that day and that the love of his life was dead because of me. Whole time he had been cheating and had a son my age." Pearl ranted, "Ion know why he thought he had the right to be sad about her death when he never respected her when she was alive."

Blanco simply listened as she talked about her feelings, tears welled up in her eyes as she explained everything but he just nodded and listened. Something that Blanco had learned when he'd gone through all the shit he'd gone through was that when you were going through something, all anyone ever needed was someone to listen. No advice, no talking, just the feeling that someone cares enough to simply be there.

Tears rolled down her face but Blanco reached over and wiped them away from her cheeks. For the first time in many years, he felt his heart ache for someone else. He felt an emotion that wasn't anger run through his veins. Blanco felt sorrow; he felt sorry that all of this had happened and he didn't understand why.

"Sit over 'ere." Blanco shuffled closer to the wall and patted the seat next to him. Pearl sniffled before she walked over and sat next to him, he made her rest her head on his shoulder as she let the tears run.

"It's all good, mamas. You ain't gotta deal with him right na." Blanco said as she sighed while still rested on his shoulder, he didn't even mind the wetness of her tears that stained his shirt. All he cared about was her feelings, her emotions and how she was coping.

"Imma call the lady and you gon' order anything you want." Blanco said before he called the lady over, which just made Pearl chuckle while she wiped the tears off her face.

He'd lightened her mood up so quick and she appreciated it, she felt a bit embarrassed but it felt good to let everything out. They spent hours together before Blanco eventually drove Peake home.

Despite the age difference, they had loads to talk about. The conversation was always flowing and laughter was always bouncing off the walls. A couple years didn't do anything to the chemistry between them except balance them out. 


Reese stood in front of his sister's tombstone with a frown. He stared as he felt the rage inside of him build up slowly, he'd done a good job of staying calm these past couple of months but all of his hard work was slowly coming undone.

On his sister's tombstone, it was spray painted, "Chiraq Victim!!" "REST IN PISS" with the initials a rival gang he used to beef with. Reese could even see that there was a liquid all over the tombstone and it smelt like piss.

GBG. Tizzy watched Reese with careful eyes, when it came to his sister, Reese was unpredictable. The amount of people he'd harmed without Reneé knowing simply because they'd disrespected her was alarming, no one played around with the people he cared about it.

However, Tizzy felt a hint of amusement as he watched Reese reach for his glock out of instinct because he was angry. That was how he knew that the old Reese was back.

Murda was back.

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