is he dead?

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TW: blood, bruises, cuts, possible death, and fighting
(Y/Ns pov)
we had got home later than we expected, i tried going straight to bed when conan grabbed my wrist saying "please tell me what louis told you." i sighed. i explained to him that when maya and louis were dating maya would 'threaten him', he wouldnt tell me what he meant by it, and near the end when i flashed my light, he was saying he would hurt her for me and tried to kiss my neck. i went straight to bed but couldnt sleep, i was sick to my stomach thinking about everything, how could i not?
it was already 5:38am and i still hadent slept, but i wasn't tired. i started the shower trying to be as quiet as possible so i wouldn't wake up conan. all i could think about is what he meant by threaten, thrraten to cheat on him, threaten to kill him, or threaten to hurt him. it was hard to belive, ive been friends with maya since forever, and she isnt like that.
(conans pov) when Y/N went to her bed i couldnt help but feel worried. i was upset about louis trying to kiss her, but also confused, why would he hurt maya? i needed to know more but it would be rude to ask her, i needed to ask louis himself. i got a jacket on and put slipped on my shoes, i quietly snuck out of the house and walked to where the incident happened. to my surprise he was still there, he was smoking a cigarette looking at his phone, i caught his attention and he quickly put away his phone like i. had caught him doing something. "oh hey conan, whats up?" he asked putting his hand out for me to shake. i shook it because i didnt want to come off as rude. i explained the situation to him and ehat i was there for, he got angry. i didnt know if he was mad at me or Y/N for telling him, my questions were answered when he punched my in the eye.
(Y/N's pov)
i dried off and got dressed, it was now 6:00am. i put on a blue gorillaz shirt i had gotten from hot topic. i went to make myself coffe when i realized conan wasbt down there, his coffee wasnt anywhere to be sesn, and i know he cant go a day without coffee, i shrugged it off since it was pretty early and he wasnt always up at this time, hours passed and he still wasn't down, i checked his room and my heart dropped when i saw he wasn't in there, he wasn't anywhere to be found. i called him 13 times and they all went to voicemail, i was scared. i couldnt wven come up with a thought of where he could be, i lookef outside and looked, he still wasn't there, but his car was. i figured maybe he went on a walk, so i went on the route he usually goes on and there he was, his unconscious body with blood smeared all over his face from his nose, a black eye, messed up hair, and cuts all over. i raced over to him, i didnt know if he was dead or not, i paniced and called 911.


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