14| Meeting

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"I couldn't think of a better way to spend my first day back," Alison said.

"Sarcasm? Put your good girl face on and you would be all right. Remember, you were never at fault. I am going for class. Call me when it is over."

"Why don't you wait for me. It might be short."

"I would love to, but you know how Miss Mowry is. The row call and the punishment when late. I really don't want to fall into her trap."

"I understand."

"Everything will be fine. Stop over thinking love. Who dares to reprimand you when you are looking like a literal doll in this outfit."

Unquestionably, I looked formal chic in my Bottega Veneta cropped bouclé jacket and 115mm wedge bouclé mules, hair styled into a ponytail with a soft glam makeup. If that wasn't screaming expensive, then I don't know what does.

We did a quick hug and air kiss

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We did a quick hug and air kiss. She turned, took a few steps, then looked back and said, "Take care."

"I would try. You too."

I watched her walking quickly towards the parking lot, then I turned to face the hall master's office. A pretty young lady in her mid twenties, who I believe was his secretary, directed me to a seat closest to the hall master's office. As though, sensing my nervousness, she looked at me, eyes twinkling and gave me a genuine smile. She had this indescribably mesmerizing beauty like that of a loving and caring mother.

Shaking up my inner thuggishness, I repeated to myself mentally, "You are tough, you've got this. What is the worst that could happen?" But as if against my inner happiness, Riley suddenly appeared from the Hall master's office dressed in her signature black. She came to sit by me as if we were friends, leaned too close for comfort and whispered into my ears, "I have ditched him. You can take my leftovers. Go spend time with that wane of a man you think you've got. I never really liked him anyways."

"You never liked him, yet you viciously attacked me over him like he were a family member. Honey, get off your high horse," I retorted

"Bye, enjoy your love life," she said mockingly, then strutted away like a supermodel- head up, shoulders back, attitude like cruella.

I felt my inner confidence, thuggishness or whatever you call it deatomized into a million tiny molecules. Sheesh, what's it with this girl? I am sure there is something more to this shenanigans than meets the eye. Perhaps I should find out, but she ain't even worth my time.

Still sitting at the waiting room, twiddling my thumbs and envisioning hundred ways this meeting can go south, I heard the door swing open. Mr Cole rears his head and invites me inside. His massive office had cream colored walls, a large mahogany desk, cabinet with numerous files and folders neatly arranged, a dart board (totally not something I expected to see), pictures of his family- beautiful wife and 2 boys, acccolades hanging at a vintage point visible to all, among others. But as I was admiring his office suite, I heard my name being called and I quickly compose myself, broken from my trance akin to being awoken by an alarming noise. He calls my name again and gestures for me to take a seat across from him.

I sat down like an obedient chap, looked him directly into the eye, ready for the stones he was going to throw at me. Silence instantly engulfs us.

A little known truth is that Mr Cole was a family friend. I remembered when he used to spend Christmas with us. He would bring these cool gifts: chicken pie, cockie jar, beanies and a host of adorable things. Over the years, we saw less and less of him and I had always wondered why. I was not certain whether he and my parents were still on good them. Praying he doesn't bring a possible vendetta on me.

He sighed preparing to dive headfirst into what seem to be a lengthy conversation.

"I heard what happened and I was totally surprised that it was you. I have spoken to Riley and she has given me her side of the story. She appeared remorseful and has promised to turn over a new leaf."

"Good for her," I said cynically.

"Alison, you are a good girl. You should not be getting yourself into this kind of mess. Well I believe it is best for you to leave splendor hall and move to another hall. Have a different room, have a different roommate or be alone."

I exhaled deeply, tapping my fingers together as if in deep thought, I replied, "I just can't go back to craziness right now. Thanks for the offer. I would love to be roommates with someone I know already, so I choose Hailey, my best friend."

"That is great. Then you would be going to Mystique Hall. Glad we had this talk. If you have any issue, don't hesitate to contact me."

"Thank you Mr Cole," I said warmly.

As I turned the door knob, Mr Cole staggered back towards me "Say hi to your parents for me." "Yes, I will inform them Mr Cole."

In as much as all that was said was innocuous, I replayed the conversation in my mind, bent on extracting some hidden meaning behind those spoken words. Realizing that it was in vain, I stopped and began singing DJ kaled's All I do is win. Then it dawned on me, I have to call Hailey.

"We are going to be roommates."


"I thought you would be excited"

"I am excited, but how, how possible? What happened? I'll meet you in front of the administration block in 5 minutes."

In less than no time, she pulled into a diagonal parking space and waved her hands in the air signaling that I come. I spotted Ross and that fake barbie, Bianca from orientation siting at the back seat and I noticed that they were holding hands.

"It all smiles and gumdrops at the back."

"Yes it is. Ali, meet my girlfriend," said Ross with a grin plastered on his face.

"Girlfriend?!Go Ross! Go Ross..Hmm..Hailey, did you know about this?"

"It is pretty new to me, but I think they make a lovely couple. They look good together."

I sat on the front passenger seat and together we drove to 'Mystique hall'.

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