4| Tell Me Why

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Knowing I shouldn't, I pulled out my phone to scroll through pictures on Instagram( a habit I have been trying to wean off). 'Would he show up already?' I kept asking. At that moment, I was resenting my decision to come to school so early and even skipping breakfast. Luckily, I always have at least 12 protein bars in my locker at all times. I grabbed two bars and shoveled them down my gapping beak, washing them down with a bottle of orange juice I had in my backpack.

His being late was irritating me. I was pissed l, but desire and anticipation halted it in its tracks. What if it was all an illusion, an impractical dream. I pinched myself and kicked those negative thoughts out.

Ryan came up behind and hugged me, but there was a huge ball of sadness over him. The look on his face predicted that his next words would probably not be what I would like to hear. Okay, maybe, I was being paranoid.

"Hello sugar plum."

I was about going into full attack mode, but stopped when I heard his sexy deep voice.

"Well, I don't appreciate your coming late."

"Ali, I'm sorry something came up. I am moving away."

"Come again, what did you just say? You are moving? To where?"

"Italy. And I can't tell how long we would be away."

So it turned out that Ryan was a Marino. The Marino family was one of the wealthiest in the country, scratch that, probably the whole world. They had a successful construction and gold mining company. They lived the high life that some can only dream of. And to have had Mr. Antonio Marino's son be so interested in me is so out of this world.

"Why? Tell me why?"

"It is quite a lot to say right now. Let's meet at Fancy Gray Restaurant at 5pm."

Just then the bell rang to signal the start of the first lesson. I turned to head to class, but my mind was in limbo. Hardly paying attention, and replaying the convo caused my head to ache. Suddenly, I wished there was an earthquake to swallow all of us into a different dimension.
What? Why? What could have happened?, I pondered. A sharp knock on my head snapped me out of this obsessive thought. And yes, Hailey was the executioner. The ultra heavy knock further aggravated the pre- existing headache.

In all honesty, if I were to be asked what was taught, I would have fumble terribly. Thank goodness, I had Hailey by my side. She was always attentive and ready to help out with homework. Simply, heaven sent!

I told Hailey all that Ryan told me and she was in shock, not the medical kind where infusions have to be connected to your vein. The unbelief was so telling.

"The Marino family," she gasped.
My girl was no gossip but she knew stuff. Her street credit was without fault.

"Word on the streets is that Carmella and Antonio Marino are divorcing. There is no specific reason for the divorce and there are numerous rumors as to how the couple intend to split their zillion dollar networth."
"He doesn't really look it. I never imagined that"

"Girl you better secure the bag."
"It's not as if he is going to marry me now"

"Don't say that. You might end up marrying him. Afterwards, you divorce him and make sure to give me my share", she says then winks.
Hailey would always be Hailey.


I spotted him from afar, sitting there expectantly, our eyes met and I was all jelly inside. He had chosen the perfect spot that I liked as if he had known me in time past. Far away from the entrance, not too near the kitchen, a bit separated from the thousands of activities going on around. He even got me my favorite strawberry ice cream. Did this guy do a background check on me? Or he was just dope like that. I would go with the latter.

He wore pleated suit, which came in the loveliest canary blue while I paired a white tee and ripped jeans. Judging from imaginary stares from those around, one could say we look good as a couple like Stephen and Ayesha Curry.

Initially, the conversation was all flirtatious, but got intense once he started talking about his family. I sat there and listened as if I didn't know anything about his family or the divorce. I was genuinely empathetic, feeling like we were connected by body and soul where every cut or wound is shared.

"Sugarplum, I wish I could take you to Rome and show you my world."
"I would have loved that! It is unbelievable that we have been in the same school for a year now and I never met you before. It is like you are so invisible one of the fantastic 4 series"

He grins showing all his pearly white teeth.

"Ali, let's dance", he gestures and stands up, making some horrendous MJ moves, which I was hoping no one caught glimpse of.

I placed my hands around his neck, and I inhaled the scent of his cologne. My heart leaped inside my chest when he slid his hands on the small of my back and pulled me so closed that our faces were inches from touching. I felt him pulling closer, our lips almost touched. I drifted my head to the other side before we could have potentially locked lips. I am anything but a loose girl. I might like you a lot but we ain't doing anything.

"I want to spend every second with you before I go"

"I think we have Chem and biology class together. Let's start from there."

"I am thinking more of after school activities like going balling, swimming or horse riding. Anything to keep the endorphins running."

"I'd love that".

The music ended and our buttocks managed to touch the seat.

Just then a gorgeous brunette in a pink cami top and mini-skirt walks in, embraces Ryan into an intimate hug and gives him a perk on the cheeks.

Is that his girlfriend?

Is he toying with my emotions?

Jealousy began brewing within me, I instantly felt uncomfortable. Then it dawned on me, he hasn't even professed that he likes me.

Am I that Naive?

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