Fighting another uppermoon-Chapter 20

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Tanjiro used the sun breathing to fight the demon.

He saw an opening and tried to cut her neck,but it was a fail.

Present time:

Tanjiro panted like crazy,the recoil from doing the two dance of the fire god techniques in a row has back fired a bit.

The upper moon is now walking towards tanjiro ready to attack.

Tanjiro was still trying to recover his breath.

The demon is gonna attack tanjiro now,but he is still trying to recover his breath.


In the blink of an eye,y/n was there and the demon's sash was cutted.

The demon jumped back a little.

"Your pretty.... I'll save you for later!" The demon said as she attacked again.

This time tanjiro was ready,but he still can't cut the sash.

The three of them were fighting like crazy!

The movements were fast. Very fast.

Tanjiro was panting hard,he's shaking too.

{Y/n go back to uzui-san,I have a feeling they'll need support.} Tanjiro said.

{Eh?! But-} y/n was about to protest.

{It's fine! Go!} Tanjiro said as y/n jumped away.

She quickly got to where tengen was running to.

"Here." She said as she jumped real high and attack the ground.

There they saw tengen and  y/n with their katana out.

There they saw tengen and  y/n with their katana out

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(This is the pose you were doing⬆️)

In one swift movement,the two cut the sashes while avoiding the humans inside of them.

"Sorry for being late you four!" Y/n said.

"Time to put on a real flamboyant show." Tengen said as the both of them grinned.

"Heyyy,bastards god of festivities!! The maggot sashes disappeared into the holes and escaped!" Inosuke yelled.

"Shut uuup! We saved all the captured people,so it's fine! Talk to me after you finish singing my praises first!!" Tengen yelled.

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