The spider family-Chapter 9

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"Don't disturb our clan's peaceful life here."

Present time:

Y/n's pov:

A boy with a white and shoulder length hair,white kimono with a spider web pattern spoke above us.

He seems to be..... floating?

No. He's standing on a wire!

"Because you all will......" he trailed off.

"Be killed by mother in the next few moments." He continued.

'Mother?!' I thought as inosuke's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Hey! Inosuke shouted as he stepped on the controlled demon slayer's back.

Inosuke attenpted to attack the demon above,but the demon was too high up for him to reach.

Inosuke wanted to fight the demon,but he already left using the wires.

"Inosuke, I think that demon isn't the one controlling the wires. So we must first-" tanjiro was talking but he got cutted by inosuke.

"Ah- I get it alright! We look for where the demon is!" He shouted.

Inosuke then proceeded to stab his swords on the ground and uses his own breathing to locate the demon.

"Found it! There!!" He sted pointing at his side.

"Leave this place to me,you guys go on ahead!" Murata shouted as tanjiro looked at him surprised.

"You pissed your pants already,how can you even say that?!" Inosuke said as murata shouted at him that he didn't pissed his pants.

{There's no time to waste! That guy will survive! Now let's go!} Y/n said to the two as they runned to the demon controlling those demon slayers.

"Thank you murata-san! We'll come back for you!" Tanjiro shouted as the three of them headed towards the demon.

Tanjiro was dragging inosuke towards the demon but they stopped.

They stopped once they saw more controlled demon slayers.

The girl was crying,telling them to get out of the mountain and get a higher rank person.

"If you don't,I'm gonna end up killing everyone!! So please......." the girls said as she was holding a person's hair while they were already dead,and she was surrounded by dead bodies of her comrades.


"Ufufu. The closer you get to me,the larger the threads will become,and the stronger they will be. My dolls will also become stronger." A woman with a long white hair and a white kimono with a spider web pattern said.

"Mother...." A voice called out.

"Rui" the mother said as she sweat dropped.

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