Chapter 12

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Bokuto can't stop smiling. The interview had been easy, he'd just had to give them a few good quotes about how much he loved helping the kids and then covered up for Ushijima's blunt responses. He was so used to cameras by now that he didn't even really notice them once he started the practice. But the reason that he couldn't stop smiling was because Akaashi had trusted him with Shouyou. Sure the dead weight of the sleeping toddler was a bit awkward but Shouyou was wearing his number twelve jersey and Akaashi had looked so grateful when he'd taken him that Bokuto would put up with anything.

He shifts Shouyou from one arm to the other. The toddler squirms a bit and Bokuto is worried that he's woken him up for a second but his tiny arms wrap around Bokuto's neck and he settles back down. Bokuto lets out a sigh of relief but apparently, it was just a moment too soon.

"Uncle Ko!" Tetsu's voice yells. Bokuto spins around and spots his nephew right away, He's standing on the side of the court with Kei and the reporter kneeling down in front of them. Kei's face is red and his hands are clenched at his sides. Tetsu's hair seems to be sticking up more than normal and he's baring his teeth at the reporter. He rushes over and catches his nephew by the collar of his shirt just before he jumps at her.

"Hey hey hey what's going on?" He asks. Tetsu kicks his feet, trying to get free from Bokuto's hold. Now that he's closer and he sees tears welling up in Kei's eyes, and he wishes that he had an extra hand to comfort him with but as it is he knows he needs to wait for Tetsu to calm down.

"Oh, Bokuto-san. I was just asking these boys what it's like to have two professional volleyball players as their coaches," The reporter stands up straight and flashes a smile at him.

"She was trying to bully Kei-kun into talking," Tetsu crosses his arms and glares at her. He seems a bit more under control now so Bokuto sets him back down. He kneels beside Kei and puts his free hand on his shoulder. He's trembling a bit. Bokuto isn't sure if he'd like to be hugged or not and he needs to be able to see his hands so he refrains from pulling him closer.

"Kei-kun, are you okay?" He asks. Kei turns his back to the reporter.

" No talking" He spells the words out slowly so Bokuto can understand then shuffles closer and holds onto his coach's shirt. Bokuto nods and takes Kei's grip as permission to pull him into a one-armed hug.

"No one is going to make you talk." He shoots a glare up at the reporter. "You're here to interview me and Ushijima. There's no reason for you to talk to the kids, especially without their parents present."
"I'm sorry Bokuto-san. We didn't know he was-" Bokuto interrupts her.

"He's not anything. We told you when we agreed to this that you were not to involve the children without the express permission of their parents. Kei-Kun's father is right on the bleachers. If you'd taken a second to speak to him we could have avoided upsetting anyone. Instead, you decided to try and bully a child into talking."

"It wasn't bullying, sometimes children get nervous and need encouragement to talk."

"Tetsu, good job getting my attention," Bokuto looks at his nephew.

"No one bullies my friends!" Tetsu glares at the reporter, sticks out his tongue, and pulls down on one eyelid. Bokuto snickers even though he knows he's not supposed to encourage Tetsu's misbehaving.

"You're right Tetsuro," he glares up at the reporter again. "I think it's time for you to leave. You've disturbed practice enough and I won't have you here bothering my students." Kei's small hands twist in the fabric of Bokuto's shirt. He thinks that he might fight anyone who upset the small blonde boy.

"Right... sorry... I didn't mean to-" A hand drops onto Bokuto's shoulder, long slender finger gripping tightly.

"Is everything alright Bokuto-san?" Akaashi's voice is icy. Bokuto doesn't need to look to know who it is but he does anyway because a pissed-off Akaashi is a rare and beautiful sight and he's not going to pass up that chance. Akaashi's eyes are narrowed, more blue than green, and aimed at the supposed threat to his child.

"Mm, it's okay Akaashi-san. They're leaving now." Bokuto puts a hand on Kei's head as he stands up straight, strokes his hand through soft blonde curls. Shouyou is still sleeping soundly on his shoulder and Akaashi's hand still rests on his other shoulder. He feels good. Like he's part of a family. He wants.

But for now, he needs to get rid of these annoying reporters. Angry Akaashi is hot as hell but he's also got a sharp tongue and with his kids being involved he's sure that he'd be even more vicious.

"Wakatoshi," He calls over his shoulder. Ushijima looks over from where he's working with a few kids. "Walk these folks out of the gym for me."

"Sure Bokuto-san," Ushijima walks over and his size and his stern face are really all that it takes. The reporter and her photographer are quick to gather up their things and hurry out of the gym with Ushijima following behind them. Bokuto turns to Akaashi.

"Deep breath Akaashi. I handled it." He says softly. Akaashi meets his eyes and takes a few deep breaths then bends down, putting his hands on Kei's cheeks and looking him over.

"Are you alright Kei?" He asks. Kei nods and takes his glasses off, he pulls a cloth out of Akaashi's pocket and cleans the lenses. Bokuto runs his hand through blonde curls once more before moving his hand and shifting Shouyou from one arm to the other. For someone so small he sure started to get heavy after so much time.

"Thank you Bokuto-san... I can take Shouyou back if you want me to." Akaashi helps Kei to get his glasses back on properly, making sure the strap doesn't pull at any of his hair.

"Did you finish your work?" He asks.

"I got enough of it done that I can finish the rest tonight after the boys go to bed."

"And get enough sleep yourself?" Bokuto raises an eyebrow. Akaashi narrows his eyes a bit. "Cause I remember in high school you'd stay late at practice with me and then you'd be up all night doing your homework."

"You would have been too if you'd actually bothered to do your homework." Akaashi takes Shouyou back into his own arms. "Kei are you good to finish practice?" Kei nods his head then grabs Tetsu's hand and runs back to the other kids.

"You're still hot when you're angry," Bokuto grins when the kids are out of earshot. Akaashi huffs and looks away, his cheeks dusted pink.

"You're ridiculous Bokuto-san." He turns and walks back to the bleachers. Bokuto can't stop smiling as he watches them go. 

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