Chapter 8

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Bokuto Kotaro is not panicking. Not in the slightest bit. He is just simply having a slight meltdown in front of his closet. But it's fine because this is a very serious matter and if everything is not perfect, then Bokuto might be doomed to a life of singleness.

"You're blowing this way out of proportion." Bokuto's laptop is propped on his bed, facing the closet. A tired-looking Oikawa Tooru glares at the screen.

"Oikawa you don't understand! It's Keiji! Akaashi Keiji! I can't just show up at his apartment looking like a bum!"

"Where is Iwa-chan? Are you even aware that it's five in the morning in Argentina?"

"Ugh, I don't know he's at work or something. Oikawa you have to help me. Iwa is the worst ever at helping with clothes things. You know that."

"Yeah yeah but if I'm going to be awake early I want it to at least be worth my time." Oikawa pulls his blanket up over his head, blocking out the light so he's barely visible on the screen. "So explain this again now that I'm awake... what exactly am I supposed to be dressing you for?"

"I'm going to Akaashi's house tomorrow. It's been like a million years since I last got to spend time with him and I need to look good because he's like perfect. God, he's still so hot Oikawa I'm gonna die."

"Isn't Akaashi your ex? I thought he was like married or something." Oikawa yawns.

"He's not married... I don't know. He said he wasn't married. But he wears a wedding ring still. What do you know about Iwa's partner? He was the one who recommended Akaashi's son for the club and when Akaashi was having his panic attack he was the guy that Kei-kun called."

"Hmm is it Sawamura? I guess I knew him in high school. I know he's definitely gay though. He was dating someone back then but he wouldn't give any details. Iwa-chan said he was like a family man or something though. He's got pictures of kids all over his desk." Bokuto groans and throws himself down onto his bed.

"Ushijima thought they might be together too... He said that Sawamura picks him up from practice."

"Well, Ushijima's an idiot so I wouldn't trust anything he says."

"You're just saying that because you don't like him."

"I don't he tried to steal my man."

"He's not trying to steal your man Oikawa. I'm not even sure he's interested in like... people."

"No one can resist Iwa-chan. Look you don't even know if this is a date or just a playdate/interview thing. Don't put too much thought into it. Just wear your normal clothes and make sure Tetsu-chan doesn't play any pranks."

"Oh god what if Tetsu plays a prank and Akaashi never invites us over ever again," Bokuto pulls a pillow over his face and screams into it.

"Ko-chan. Ko-chan shut up god. Okay, I'll be a good friend. Just stop whatever that is." Oikawa grumbles. Bokuto pulls the pillow down and peeks at his computer.

"Sorry Oikawa..." he sniffles.

"Okay so... let's start at the beginning. Why did you guys break up in the first place?" Oikawa pulls his blanket off his head and sits up, flipping on the light next to his bed. Bokuto stares at the ceiling.

"I don't... I don't know. I thought everything was okay... I was at practice a lot but I made sure to make time for him still... I even skipped a game to go surprise him at his high school graduation but... he seemed angry that I was there. He said... He said that we should both put high school behind us and move on. I thought that if I just gave him some time that he'd... I don't know, come back to me or something. I thought we'd always be together and it was just a bump in the road. But then... then I went home to visit my parents and my mom asked me why I hadn't told her about Akaashi getting married and... we were never out to them so... "

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