Chapter 9

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Akaashi doesn't think the apartment has ever been this clean since Shouyou became mobile. The little orange-haired ball of energy had been practically running before he could crawl and he always left a mess in his wake. But Akaashi had gotten lucky this time. Kei and Shouyou had been watching videos of Bokuto on the tablet and Shouyou had seemingly become obsessed with the energetic wing spiker. When He found out he was coming over to the apartment he'd agreed to help clean and while he hadn't actually been much help he'd managed to resist making any messes.

Kei seemed to be excited as well, he'd changed his clothes at least twice since that morning and he kept glancing at the clock. He'd even dragged Shouyou into his bedroom to get the toddler changed after he'd spilled some juice on himself. Akaashi can kind of get it though after all this is the first time that Kei has ever had a friend come over to the apartment he wanted to make as good an impression as his father did.

Akaashi is in the process of cooking lunch, Bokuto and Udai are both supposed to arrive at the same time and he figures that he can keep the kids occupied with food while Udai asks whatever questions he needs. He checks his phone for any new messages while he stirs the food on the stove.

"Papa, papa, papa!" Shouyou yells. He's standing on the couch bouncing up and down. Akaashi looks over at him and sees that Kei is watching him as well.

" It's time" Kei signs. Akaashi glances at the time and then nods, he's a little surprised. It's the first time Kei has ever used Shouyou to grab his attention. He usually hates when his brother gets loud.

"Yeah, you're right. Can you get the door when they knock?" He wants to have time to try and get his apron off before Bokuto sees him. Not that he's trying to look good for Bokuto of course. He just doesn't want to get teased.

"Me! I wanna open!" Shouyou is bouncing more.

"Shouyou off the couch," Akaashi scolds. Shouyou leaps off the back of the couch and runs to the door. Kei scrunches up his face and runs after his little brother. Akaashi can hear them wrestling in the doorway but decides to ignore it for the moment as it doesn't sound like either of them is being too rough. Shouyou has a tendency to forget how much smaller he is and often hurts himself trying to fight his brother.

A knock on the door increases the sound of their scuffle and then the door is being opened. Akaashi tries to get his apron off quickly but the string ends up knotted somehow and he's stuck in it. He curses his luck.

"Udai-san!" Shouyou cheers. Akaashi keeps working at the knot.

"Hello Shou-chan, Kei-kun." Udai comes into the apartment and slips his shoes off. He pats both the boys on their heads. Kei scrunches up his face in annoyance but Shouyou beams.

"Udai-san Udai-san! We get to meet the hey hey hey guy!"

"Oh, you know who Bokuto-san is?" Udai walks into the apartment and puts his bag down.

"I watched him on the tablet! He's all woosh! And bang! And and and then he goes boing!" Shouyou jumps up and down. "And he's all hey hey hey!" Udai laughs and ruffles Shouyou's hair again.

"Yes, I think I saw that video too. How are you today Kei-kun?" Udai sits down in one of the chairs. Kei signs something but he's standing in a spot where Akaashi's view of his hands is blocked.

"That means good!" Shouyou bounces around his older brother. Akaashi stares at them.

"Shou did you understand Kei's sign?" he asks. Shouyou nods his head, his curls bouncing.

"Yeah! Kei talks with his hands!" Shouyou tries to grab Kei's hands but the blonde isn't having it. He hides his hands behind his back and takes a few steps away.

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