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nodding at her, you wanted to be able to see your mom as soon as possible again. even if it was just a gravestone you would be looking at.

"i made you breakfast, eat first." she said and looked at you concerned. you groaned as you actually wanted to go to the graveyard as soon as possible. hina then left and went back to the living room.

taking the covers of you, you sat up straight in your bed in the cold room. it took some time and motivation for you to convince yourself to get up. your rumbling stomach being a key point for the convincing.

standing up lazily, you went to the tiny bathroom that was attached to the room, you opened the door and were met with a renewed bathroom. even if it was your room once, it didnt feel like it anymore.

you stood in front of the sink but wouldnt tilt your head to look at the mirror, you didnt want to look at yourself in fact. brushing your teeth while having your head hung low, you tried to hurry the process up.

after you were done, you left the bathroom and made your way to the kitchen. you didnt bother changing out of your pyjamas.

you stopped in your tracks as you saw a new figure in the living room, you tried to speak up but they beat you to it. they stood up and introduced themselves, "im kazumi satou, sibling of hina." they said.

kazumi was almost as tall as hina, the fact that they were siblings resembled greatly in their looks. kazumi had the same honey brown eyes and same brown hair as hina.

frowning at the vague answer, you tried to ask kazumi what they meant with that and opened your mouth, "sibling?" you spoke up in a raspy voice, you dont know anyone who ever introduced themselves like that to you.

"kazumi is non binary." hina spoke up as she approached you from behind, putting both her hands on your shoulders. you wanted to ask kazumi about the commotion of yesterday but hina already shoved you towards the kitchen.

you sat down on the same place as yesterday at the round table, hina placed a plate with two pancakes in front of you. "its already afternoon, make sure you eat properly." she told you.

it was really weird to you, the whole situation in fact. hina acted like nothing happened yesterday. and she claimed that your relatives took your moms life of jealousy, it just didnt make any sense.

you remembered your relatives very vaguely. they would barely come over and if they did, it was never too long. 'they wouldnt be bothered by her succes then?' you thought to yourself.

hina coughed up, clearing her throat and snapping you out of your train of thought. she then turned around to do some dishes in the sink. you finished your pancakes not too much later and grabbed your plate while standing up.

you stood besides her, letting the water flow over your plate to wash it, after you were done with the soap, hina was already done with her own dishes, now drying them off.

remembering how worried your classmates would probably be now, you turned around from the sink, your back now touching the edge of the counter while you looked at hina.

you held the plate in one hand while drying it with a clot that was held in your other hand. speaking up, "hina, we will leave after this, right?" you said with no emotion whatsoever in your voice.

she looked at you and answered, "yes when were done with the dishes." she said and smiled at you. kazumi, who was watching tv on the couch, overheard the conversation and intervened too, "where too?" they said with curiosity in their voice as they looked at you.

"izumis grave." hina spoke up and looked down as you continued drying your dishes, hina didnt want to make eye contact regarding such a heavy topic.

kazumi tilted their head back at the tv and spoke up without second thought. "from the l/n clan, i see. its your mom isnt it?"

that was when you felt your heart drop. your eyes widened and you lost grip on the plate in your hand. the plate falling down, getting dragged along with the gravity and shattering on the floor, it echoed through the silent living room and kitchen.

"how do you know about the clan? i never said anything about it." you spoke up immediately, your voice filled with surprise and worry. you looked up at back of kazumis head with your face filled with horror.

hina stopped straight in her tracks too. no one dared to make a single move, the silence spoke for itself. the tension was high, way too high for your liking, the only thing that you heard were the faint noises of the tv that was still on.

they shouldnt have known about your clan, they were normal people after all. your clan only existed in the world of jujutsu.

even if they knew that you had a clan, they would definitely know about the curses and such. but hina showed clear signs that she didnt, for example the fact that she thought you went to a normal college.

you spoke up carefully, "what is going on." not in a question, but more in a way of demanding that they would tell you. your arm extended backwards to the cutlery while having your eyes fixated on both of them.

grabbing the handle of a knife, you got your arm slowly to the front of you again, hina watched your every move but kazumi was still motionless looking at the tv.

then it clicked in your head, "my relatives didnt do it, right?" you said in a low voice as you looked at hina intensely, never breaking the eye contact.

hina knew in what kind of position she was right now, she was facing an angry teenager with a knife in her hand. she couldnt lie.

the woman then shook her head slowly and carefully, indicating that they indeed did not murder your mom. you narrowed your eyes at her. she lied to you and hid a crucial detail for you.

it was safe to assume that they were both part of the jujutsu world too. which meant they could have techniques as well.

you tried to recall the events from yesterday and remembered that odd moment at the round table. the words kept replaying in your head.

'it was almost as if she could read my mind.' you thought on purpose while looking at the woman next to you. and hina visibly tensed. that showed you enough signs already.

hinas technique was mind reading, that was all you knew so far. you didnt know how much she could read but it would be very dangerous in combat as she could read your every move.

you backed down, your arm extended with the knife to hina while walking slowly back to your room. kazumi now looked at you and slowly stood up as you went into the corridor.

arriving to your room, you spoke up loud, "dont. move." and opened the door of your room to grab your bag, luckily everything was still in it.

with your backpack now on, you rushed back to the living room to see if they were still there. of course they were not.

you scanned the entire room, senses higher than ever, you had to find them and they could be anywhere. walking to the front door of your previous house, you slid the door open while looking back.

the door was open and you got down on the small stairs to stand in the more open area outside. you had a bigger field of vision now.

you immediately felt your leg sting, you looked down and saw it was bound with several weeds up to your knee and some even had thorns.

trying to shake the weeds off but they wouldnt budge, you were stuck in your position. you looked up as you saw footsteps approaching you.

"you shouldnt have gone outside, darling." hina spoke up and kazumi was walking besides her, having their hands in a particular motion. it was most likely kazumis technique had something to do with manipulating plants.

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