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after the touching reunion, all of you started walking back towards jujutsu tech to have a common meeting, discussing your strategy and getting ready.

the students from kyoto went in a different direction as they too wanted to prepare for the event, on their own, somewhere else.

the pink haired boy was sitting in the middle of the room, although nobara made him hold a frame in front of his face so it looked like it was his death portrait.

"excuse me..." yuuji spoke up, "this could be considered... extreme bullying..." he spoke out while laughing awkwardly. he was saying it as careful as he could in case nobara would snap at him.

nobara sighed and said, "shut up and stay like that for a while." she was rather calm about the whole situation considering her teammate just got resurrected.

she didnt look him in the eye and folded her arms in front of her chest. panda found the whole situation rather amusing, "now, now." he started.

"you heard his explanation, cut him some slack." he said respectfully. "the panda just talked!" yuuji pointed out. just at his que, inumaki started speaking too. "salmon, salmon."

sitting next to inumaki, you spoke up too. "yea he had a good reason to disappear and tell absolutely no one about it." saying it ironically but still finding it acceptable after youve heard his explanation.

"what did he say y/n?" yuuji spoke up once again. after not being here for three months, he sure missed out on alot of things and his mind was exploding with questions.

you shifted in your sitting position and leaned back a bit, with both your arms still supporting you." inumaki-senpai is a cursed speech user." you spoke up, answering his question.

inumaki looked at you and gave you a soft smile while saying, "salmon." he was happy you were sitting closely to him again and not being so close to yuuji.

the white haired boy lifted his hand and put it on your head to ruffle your hair slightly, but not too much. he was thanking you for the explanation, since he unfortunately couldnt really explain it himself.

you leaned into his touch and gave him a closed eyed smile. megumi took this opportunity to explain further to yuuji who was still left in the dark. "cursed speech is a technique that amplifies the power and compulsion of words."

megumi tilted his head so he was now looking at inumaki and you instead of yuuji. "he limits his vocabulary to keep others safe." he continued.

yuuji was looking fascinated at megumi and he asked, "so if he asked someone to die, they would actually die?" the pink haired boy was looking at inumaki now. "that is really powerful." he adored.

"its nothing that convenient." panda spoke up, correcting yuuji. inumaki who still had his hand on your head was looking at panda too now, just like you.

yuuji turned around and faced panda to listen. "if he uses powerful words, he is hit with massive feedback." this was news to you too and you slightly tensed up at what panda said.

his technique was powerful but extremely dangerous too, you didnt want him to be in danger at all. the violet eyed boy noticed your shift in attitude and lowered his hand that was previously on your head.

only to wrap it softly around your shoulder. you got caught off guard once again but enjoyed his touch. you werent tense anymore.

you scooted a bit closer to him so your arm was touching his side while he had his arm laid on your other shoulder. you felt so at ease every time you were with him, and you cherished every moment you guys had together.

he then pulled his collar slightly down, got close to your ear and reassured you about his technique. "its okay." he whispered, only audible for you.

you looked down and smiled at the words that left his mouth, he pulled his collar back up without anyone noticing and you felt yourself blushing at the previously close contact.

noticing your own cheeks heating slightly up, you realized you were actually blushing at something so small. he just reassured you and you couldnt seem to find out why you would blush at that. you were just hoping you werent getting a fever now.

panda was still continuing his rambling and you decided to listen again. "limiting his vocabulary is a way for him to protect himself too."

"oooh, i see now." yuuji spoke. he then wanted to turn back to his previous sitting position but turned right back. "hey senpai! how are you speaking then?" he asked with glinstering eyes.

he got ready for an exciting answer nd continued his rambling, "are you some new breed of panda?" while panda was explaining about himself to yuuji, you heard nobara sigh and speak to maki.

"blabbing about other peoples techniques." she said as she still didnt accept him coming back from the death. maki interrupted her complaining with a single, "its fine."

she then walked towards yuuji and asked him about a certain weapon of hers, she believed the boy had it in his possession.

after talking about her weapon, she took the lead and stood in front of everyone. "so? what is the plan?"

she continued, "we had a great plan as strategy but now we have a new member." she folded her arms in front of her chest. "do we change strategies?" you werent sure that was a great idea and spoke up. "we dont have enough time for that."

inumaki agreed with you and let out a soft. "bonito flakes." while his arm was still around you. the both of you quite liked the position so neither of you wanted to separate.

panda answered the obvious. "that is really up to itadori now." he turned his gaze from maki towards yuuji and asked him. "what can you do?"

yuuji was about to tell panda about his physical strengths but panda already interrupted him. "we have enough of that." he said while motioning to everyone in the room.

megumi stretched and spoke up, catching everyones attention. "i dont know what he had been doing since he was dead." he finished stretching and continued, "but if everyone from kyoto were to fight him without cursed energy, itadori would win."

maki perked up at his statement as she knew he already fought toudou, who was one of the strongest students at kyoto and smirked. "this is going to be interesting."

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