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Mikasa, Sasha and I relaxed on the grass on the edge of the training area, near the cafeteria building, having had decided to eat our breakfast outside since it was an especially sunny day. The birds were chirping as they did every morning and we engaged in some chill conversation as we ate the meal. We had all already put on our uniforms, and training was starting very soon, so all that was left was to finish our breakfasts and put our plates away. I closed my eyes and leaned back on my arms, trying to soak up as much of the sun as possible before we had to get to work.

I sensed the light shining onto me previously being now obscured, so I frowned and opened my eyes to see what was going on. There had been chatting all around us, as a lot of people had the same idea of eating outside, so when a group of men approached us, especially one standing directly next to us, I had not even noticed.

"Oh... Hi, Jonas," said Sasha hesitantly, as the three of us looked up. This guy was very tall with short, blonde hair and a muscular build. He towered over all of us, and so did his friends who were now coming closer as well. I recognised them as some of the new recruits from the Garrison Regiment who had joined only the other day, all a couple of years older than me, and I had not had a chance to speak to any of them. This was not by chance though; these boys gave me arrogant vibes so I stayed away.

"Hey, Sasha. Care to introduce me?" This Jonas guy said in a cocky way, squatting down to be at a similar height to us, and gazing directly at me.

"Umm, guys, this is Jonas, he's from my home town. These are my friends, Y/N and Mikasa," Sasha motioned to everyone as she said their names, but it felt very reluctant. She seemed to know this guy but wish she didn't, clearly annoyed with his presence and the fact that he was speaking to us.

"Y/N, that's a lovely name," he said with a wink, to which my face just stayed blank. "Mind if we join you?"

"We were actually just about to go inside," Mikasa chimed in dismissively, standing up and grabbing her empty plate then stacking it on top of our ones and carrying all three.

"Oh, that's no problem. You guys go ahead, Y/N and I will catch up." Jonas now turned his full attention to me, but I stood up along with Mikasa and Sasha.

I laughed at his advances, quite flattered by someone showing such obvious attention, but I had no interest in him. He was not my type in the slightest, as I honestly preferred dark-haired guys, and his attitude just did not sit right with me. "I think I'm gonna go, sorry. I'm not interested."

As I began walking away with the girls, my arm was grabbed from behind and I was pulled back straight into the broad body of Jonas. I gasped at the action, shocked that anyone would do this when I clearly just wanted to leave.

"Come on, don't be so stuck up!" The blonde boy whined, but his tone was teasing. Was this a joke to him?

"I told you, I'm not interested. Can you let go of me now?" I tried moving away, but the boy kept his grip on my arm and pulled me even closer. I frowned, beginning to get annoyed now. Was he really so thick that he did not understand that it was not okay to do this, or was he doing it on purpose? Either way, there was something wrong with this guy.

I tried to pry my arm from his grasp, but he was huge with biceps the size of my head. He gave me a smile, a very creepy one, and instead of letting go of my arm he only grabbed my other wrist. He was so much stronger than me and I was helpless to whatever he wanted to do. I was starting to get angry now.

"Let go of me, you fucking creep!" I shouted in his face, our interaction now earning a few stares. More people had started coming outside now, as our training was to start any minute. Mikasa and Sasha began marching back over, looking furious, as I struggled against this guy. He just began laughing, taking this all as one big joke rather than inappropriate behaviour.

Bad Girl [Levi Ackerman x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now