6. Waking Up

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(Y/n) Pov:

I tried opening my eyes when I felt like I had been put to sleep for eternity. I honestly don’t know how long I have been put out since my mission.

My eyes were fully open when I saw Levi drinking his tea and looking at an article. I moved trying to adjust myself when he had realized I was awake. He put his tea down on the floor and helped me get up.

“Finally you’ve woken up, I started to believe that you had died”. He said. “Very funny”. I said sarcastically. “I guess i’m glad you survived”. He said avoiding eye contact. I just let out a small giggle.

‘Who was the lady that made him soft?’

He had told me that I had been out for two and a half days. He said nothing really happened when I was asleep just that everyone was improving on their skills. He told me today was December 6th.

After a few minutes of chatting I realized that I had no clothes to wear for today since I was here at the agency and not at my apartment. Soon Hange came in barging and had a selection of clothes.

“(Y/n) I'm glad you’re awake! I’ve missed you!”. She said trying to hug me but Levi had stopped her. “Tch, shitty glasses she just woke up. Give her some clothes will you”. Is it just me or is Mr. Boss more nicer.

Hange had asked what I wanted to wear so I just chose some sweats and a hoodie along with my shoes. She gave me a brush to brush my hair so I did. I was already well and felt more lively than before.

I was out of the hospital when everyone came giving me a hug making all of us fall. We all laughed and talked for quite a few times.

After chatting with everyone I was walking towards Erwin’s office when I heard Levi and Hange.

I stopped and decided to listen to what they were saying. “Any new information?’’. I think Erwin was the one talking.

“Not yet ,but soon we will. As long as things are like this then we shouldn’t worry”. The person seemed to be like Hange was talking.

I decided not to eavesdrop so I left and went into my office. I sat down on my chair and started to spin since it had wheels.

‘What were they talking about?’

My head was full of thoughts when the wheel got stuck and made me fall on the ground. “I need to buy a new chair”. I muttered.

I got up and sat back down looking at the paperwork I needed to do. 

Before getting a pen out of the cup my window was shattered from a bullet. I hid behind the bookshelf when Erwin, Hange and Levi barged in.

They saw the glass being shattered and it seemed to be from the other side of the building.

I was empty handed and once the shooting stopped they came rushing towards me. “You alright?”. Erwin asked. “Yeah, I wasn’t hit or anything”. I said. Levi was looking outside and saw that they were aiming for the back of my head.

“Just when I freaking woke up. Isn’t my life just peachy”. I said letting them listen. “Can someone explain what exactly is happening”. I asked.

They didn’t say anything just sighed. “We honestly don’t know”. Hange said. I trust Hange I really do so I’ll take her word.

I walked out of my office to grab a broom and dustpan. I got back and decided to put up the glass from the floor.

They just watched and didn’t do anything. They looked upset and Levi started walking up to me bending over to help pick up the chunks of glass. “I’ll call the rest of the group to help order a new glass”. Erwin said, leaving my office. “Thanks for helping”. I quietly said to Levi. 

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