-Chapter Fifteen-

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Dedicated to Shady234 

Thank you for the great comments on my chapters, they made my day today, and thank you for fanning :))


Chapter Fifteen


And back to reality.

As soon as I got home I went up and uploaded the pictures and labeled the memory cards, then went straight into working on the Library.

I needed that list done, and I had only about half of it done, and the sofas and bean bags and such were coming tomorrow, the shelving better be done when I walk in tomorrow, or I’m going to lose it.

I worked until about ten and ate dinner in my office and then crashed in a nice, big, fluffy and warm bed.

I woke up the next morning and went through my morning routine, minus the throwing up, it had stopped for the most part, it had been about three days now, and I was now in my second trimester.

The only bad thing about that was I was not looking forward to telling Damon on Friday, because there was no way in hell I was telling him in front of his parents and mine, when he didn’t even know it was me he slept with, not going to happen.

I walked out and threw on jeans since it was still wearing, yesterday we found out there was a hurricane coming in, it wasn’t supposed to hit too close to here, so I wasn’t really worried

I had my black furry boots and jeans on with a purple t-shirt that had the same writing as Alexis and Mason’, and a purple blue and pink flannel.

‘Everything is funnier when you’re not allowed to laugh’ which is true.

Apparently Mason was roped in this time. Mine was purple, Alexis’s was pink, and Mason’s was green.

Which makes me wonder again how the hell she got them, I never will understand her.

When we all skipped to calculus that day, I was feeling more like my old happy self. I wasn’t depressed and my thoughts weren’t revolved around Damon, I was just thinking about the weekend.

I skipped and twirled to my seat, not caring what the hell anyone thought, I was doing what I wanted and right now that would be doing a little dance as I walked.

I went over to my desk and sat on top of it humming and swaying my body to a song I had in my head.

“You look like you had a good weekend?” Damon said making me smile

“Defiantly, so burst my happy bubble and bust your face”

“Noted. Still mad at me?” he asked

“Nah, by the looks of it, you got it worse, I have makeup” I smirked

“I have a jacket to hide it” he smirked back, not for long. I walked over and sat on the desk in front of his chair and leaned down

“Don’t act like you were mad at all” this made him stand up, he didn’t like being lower than me. Then he placed his hands on either side of me on the desk while he was standing in between my legs.

I looked around the room, and no one was here yet so I kissed him.

He kissed me back and when his tongue traced my lower lip I parted them. The kiss had an urgency to it, and we were both fighting for dominance in the kiss, which was what I wanted.

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