Chapter Twenty One

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Two updates, because i love all you amazing readers

So here's Chapter Twenty One for all of you, 



Chapter Twenty One

Not even a minute later I was getting a call from Alexis

“What the hell happened!” she yelled

I went to the locker room so he couldn’t over hear the conversation

“Let’s see. First he said mom and dad were bad parents for letting me keep the baby. That if a girl came to him saying she was pregnant, he would tell her to get an abortion, and if it was too late, hell her to give it up. Then after I said it would be his responsibility to take care of the child he said he uses a condom then asked why I was getting offended”

“Are you kidding me?”

“Oh that’s not even the best part, Lex”

“I have a feeling I’m going to be making a certain man sterile”

“I wouldn’t put it past you”

“It was that bad!” she yelled.

“Next I told him I was offended because he said my parents were bad parents for letting me make my own decisions, which he proceeded to say, and i quote ‘Obviously if you got yourself knocked up, they shouldn’t trust your decisions’ and I said I made one mistake! And how dare he say that to me.”

“Oh I’m going to kill him.”

“Again, not even the best part”

“Oh god, what did he say?”

“He said that I just gave my virginity to any guy, and he thought I was better than all the sluts at school, but he guesses not.”

“Oh hell no! I am seriously going to beat him up. I know best friends say that, but I’m dead serious. I don’t give a shit if he apologizes and kissed ass, his ass is mine.”

“Go for it.”

“What did he say next?”

“I defended myself saying how I only slept with one guy, and how the schools man whore is calling me a slut, and I almost killed him when he said ‘I’ve only slept with four girls’ I counters with ‘I’ve only slept with one guy’ and he just made a comments how it was different because he didn’t get a girl pregnant.”

She burst out laughing


“I agree”

“I was tempted to kick him in the balls multiple times till he became sterile and this would be the only child he would ever get to have. I asked him if that was his big argument. That it takes two to make a baby and how it was bullshit that girls got the crap because they were the ones that carried the baby”

“I’m going to hurt him. I’m sorry babe”

“I’m not done”

“Oh god”

“Yeah, he said, and again I quote ‘At least I had the sense not to knock up a girl the way you got yourself knocked up’” I heard a gasp

“Oh no that bastard didn’t!” she screamed, causing me to pull the phone away from my ear.

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