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Her eyes snap open as she sits up from her bed. Gasping for breath, Belial let out violent coughs as she tries to adjust her breathing. The fallen angel's right hand clutch the front of her shirt as a sudden shot of pain from her heart. "Shit...what happened?" Her hoarse voice echoes in her room. Trying to control her breathing, Belial let out coughs fits. Covering her mouth with her left fist, she felt something wet on her fist. 

Before she could anything, the door opens to reveals Alastor. The sight of Belial awaken from her slumber made his ears twitch. His eyes widens for a fraction. The sound of Belial's coughs made the demon goes to her beside. He reaches for Belial's right hand, this gesture made her turn to his direction. "Alas-" Belial barely breathes out as she coughs again. "Don't talk, my dear." He orders her. Alastor summons a glass of water to let her drink. Chugging the water, Belial let out a breath. The violent fits ceases as Alastor provides her another cup of water. His eyes lands on Belial's left hand cover with her own blood. 

It took a couple of minutes for her to collect herself. Belial let out a long sigh but she flinches when feeling pain from her chest. "How are you feeling, my dear?" Alastor asks for details. "Ugh, it feels like I was punched in the chest." Belial answers without thinking. Alastor presses his lips together, holding back a laugh. "...Well, you certainly did drive your own fist into your chest from Nifty's own words." He replies. 

"...Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Wait! Nifty!? Is she-!" Belial let out a curse when a shot of pain went through her body. "Now now, don't worry yourself. Nifty is safe and well, thanks to your protection." Alastor replies. He took the empty glass from Belial's hand to place it on the nightstand. Belial falls back on her bed, relief could be seen on her face. "...How long I was out?" She broke the silence again. 

"Two days!" 


He shakes his head. There no need to curse but he will give her a pass since she is still recovering. "Anything interesting while I was out?" Belial presses for answers. Alastor chuckles then takes his seat next to her bed. "Not at all, everyone was certainly worried about you." His words made her shift in her bed. Her head faces the the direction of the ceiling. The frown on her face doesn't suit her at all. "...Did you know?" Belial asks. 

"Know what, my dear? You need to be specific." Alastor feigns ignorance. He has the feeling what she is talking about. Still in his seat, he watches Belial slowly sit up to pull back her sheet, her body to face Alastor's direction. The distance between them is within arm length of each other. "You know what I am talking about, no need to dance around this." Her eyes glow silver as she reach for Alastor's suit to pull him on her bed. This action made him still with a frozen grin. His back press against the bed. Belial sat on top of Alastor's stomach. Her hands grip his suit, tightly. He could feel her hands shaking slightly. 

Belial's glowing eyes connect with his eyes. This contact made his grin waver as his cheeks felt warm. This close contact made him tense. To be this close with the woman who earn his respect, he has no words. No words can describe this moment. His eyes drink in the sight before him. 

Under the layers of his black heart, he won't forget this sight. 

Three black wings form from Belial's back. Two on her left and a single one on her right. Her eyes look down at the radio demon with a different range of emotions. "The scars, you saw them. Didn't you?" She demands an answer. He could hear hint of pain under her serious voice. This is what is under her grin - a sight of rare vulnerability under her walls. Her scars carries her character - her sacrifice, her affections, and her strength. 

A soft chuckle is what she heard. Belial tense up when feeling his hands wrap around her wrists. Without a fight, Belial releases her grip on his suit. Two days, Alastor ponders over Charlie's question. 

"Al...what do you think of Aunt Bel?"

What he thought about the woman before him?

His eyes connect with her blind lenses. Her eyes is a wonderful sight to see once again. His hands held her wrist in a gentle manner. To endure the days of not having someone who made his days brighter, it felt cold and painfully dull. What he think about the fallen angel who capture his attention? 

Yes, he believes he has an answer to Charlie's question. 

"Yes, I did." Alastor confesses, "The scars on your back." His words made Belial tense up. "My dear, Belial. You almost sound ashamed of it..." He comments. Belial holds back from her emotions from pouring out. She had to control herself as she always did for centuries. Yet, it is threatening to come out all at once - in front of the demon she grew close with. 

She have to be strong...For Hell's sake, she is one of the strongest in this realm. 

Yet...why she is so worthless? Weak...

It won't be long now until Alastor realizes how worthless she-

"Yet I find your scars...a sight to behold." Belial froze with her eyes widen from Alastor's words. Her mouth opens, unable to form words. What a beautiful sight indeed. He wants to see more of this rare sight. "W-what...?" Belial could only utters. She couldn't help but left her spot to sit next to him when Alastor sits up. He chuckles to see one of the strongest being in Hell acting like this but he doesn't mind it at all. 

"It seems that you didn't hear what I said. My dear, you are a lovely sight to behold." Belial couldn't believe what she is hearing. This shouldn't happen to her. She would expect him to reject someone like her. 

Yet, she is....relieved...

A short and yet soft laugh left her lips. Alastor tilts his head then smiles at the sight. Tears form at the corner of her eyes. Her laughter turns into sniffles. "Alastor, you...are something else." Alastor heard her soft words. "I do try, darling!" He replies in a happy manner. He adds a laugh track for good measure. Belial looks at Alastor, her lips form a familiar grin which brightens his mood.


He blinks then tilts his head to the side. "You don't like it?" His question made her pause for a moment. This change of the nickname is surprising and yet it doesn't bother her. In fact, there is a some sort of emotion forming in her heart. Belial can't describe it right now but it feels comforting in a way. "I don't mind." She answers. This made Alastor's grin widen. "Wonderful! Now then, let me bring you something to eat since you were asleep for two days!" He announces. Belial's stomach rumbles in response. "Right." Alastor left Belial's side to let her return back to her spot. He stood up from Belial's bed then turns to her. 

Something touch the middle of her forehead. It is soft to the touch. She doesn't know what Alastor did since it only happen in a second. "I'll be back, darling!" Alastor left her room, humming a tune under his breath. She wonders what Alastor did before he left her room. Then her mind clicks all of a sudden, her right hand touches the middle of her forehead. 

Did he?

No, it would be impossible. 



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