Charlie's Girlfriend

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"...Just say the word, I'll kick his teeth in." Belial offers to her niece who is in her mid-teens. Charlie quickly shakes her head, turning to her aunt. "No, no! It's fine, no need to be violent Aunt Bel!" The teen spoke out, "...But thank you..." She returns to her seat on the garden bench next to her aunt. "I'm the one who dumped him." Charlie explains further. Belial leans back on the wooden bench. She wonders what Charlie saw in that boy from the Eldritch family. 

She doesn't really like members of the Eldritch family - too pompous like her angel siblings back in Heaven. Belial silently scoffs, her niece can find someone much better than her ex-boyfriend. Even if Charlie dumped him, she still had her emotional side. Belial gives Charlie a side hug, "Well, my offer still stands Pup." Charlie chuckles at her aunt. 

"I'm fine, I just wanted my aunt right now." 

"You got it Pup." 


It has been years since she dated her ex-boyfriend, this time she wants to introduce her girlfriend to her aunt. "...I'm really excited for you to meet Aunt Bel!" Charlie announces with a smile on her face. She turns to the female demon following her. The slender demon with gray skin with pink and yellow eye. Her hair is long and white with a pink bow on top of it. She wears a white mini dress with dark grey gloves and mismatched stockings. This female demon is Charlie's girlfriend, Vagatha or Vaggie for short. 

Today is the day is Vaggie to meet Charlie's aunt. From Charlie's words, Vaggie could tell how much she loves and admires her aunt. When comparing to the older members of the Magne family, Belial is more welcoming. Vaggie has some hesitation with meeting this woman since she always hear stories about her - not really good ones. Belial's power is frightening like Lucifer and Lilith. She doesn't want to say no in meeting Belial since Charlie is happy to introduce her aunt to Vaggie. 

Vaggie gave Charlie a gentle smile. Her optimism is quite infectious. They walk through the long hallways of the Magne manor. "So where are we going then?" Vaggie have to ask. Charlie guides her girlfriend to the manor's grand garden. "Well, I told Aunt Bel that we will meet her here for lunch! Isn't that great?" Vaggie nods her head. They follow the stone path that leads to the wood gazebo where there is a large table with three plates and seats set up for them. Vaggie's eyes lands on someone who has their back to them. 

This person wore her jacket resting on her shoulders, turning to them to reveal her black glasses. "Aunt Bel!" Charlie greets the woman. The woman's lips turns into a smile. Charlie wraps her arms around Belial in greetings. Belial returns the gesture which made Vaggie's eyes widen. This fallen angel doesn't mind giving affection back to her niece. Quite a rare sight to see. "How is it going, Pup?" Charlie pulls away with a bright smile on her face. 

"I'm doing great! Anyways, I brought someone for you to meet. She is very important to me." Charlie's voice soften when her eyes lands on Vaggie who stood to the side. Vaggie's cheeks darkens from the comment. Belial put her hands on her hips. "Oh~? So, you are going to introduce yourself or cat got your tongue?" She chuckles. Vaggie quickly clears her throat then approaches Belial. 

"Hello, Miss Belial. I am Vagatha, Charlie's girlfriend." The moth demon introduce herself to Belial. The fallen angel let out a short laugh, "Great to finally meet you, call me Belial! I don't care for titles. Hope you guys are hungry." She motions them to take a seat at the table. Sitting at the table, Jasper appears beside Belial with a tray in his hands. Charlie and Vaggie sit across from Belial. The little demon serves bottles of soda for the three of them. He puts down a plate of sandwiches with different side dishes to add with it. 

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