Chapter 28

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Clove's POV:

I woke to the bright sun shining in my face. I've got to say, it isn't the most pleasant way to wake up, but it'll do. I crawled out of my sleeping bag and saw Cato staring blankly at the cornucopia.

"Morning." I said groggily.

"Morning." He said back with a smile on his face. He grabbed some meat from my bag and handed me a chunk. The greasy meat was a bit cold, but it was better than starving to death. I finished every last bite of the meat before looking around. The sun was high in the sky by now, but no tributes had shown yet.

I stood up and packed my sleeping bag away while waited for tributes to show up. After shoving it in my bag, I placed it on the floor next to Cato's and eyed the table near the cornucopia.

On the table sat four bags. The bags were labelled 2, 5, 11 and 12. Our bag was the largest out of the lot and 12's was the smallest. I wondered what could possibly fit into a bag that small when a flash of red hair appeared beside the dark metallic walls of the cornucopia.

The girl grabbed the bag labeled "5" as fast as she could, before running off in the opposite direction.

"I'll get her." Cato called before running off. I looked away from Cato's running figure and towards the cornucopia once more. I didn't need to wait long before a tall girl with a long brown braid ran out of the trees.

I immediately bolted out of the trees and charged towards her. I grabbed a random knife and flung it at her as she turned her head towards me. Blood gushed out of her wounded forehead which rolled down near her eyes. I smirked before running up to her and tackling her to the ground.

I sat on her stomach as she wiggled underneath me. A knife pressed to her throat, I spoke. "Where's Lover boy?" She continued to resist and tried to wiggle her way out, but she failed miserably.

She stopped before staring to speak. "He's our there now. Hunting Cato." Worry flashed through my mind as she said this, but it couldn't be true. It couldn't.

"Liar." I spat as menacingly as possible. "Cato knows where he cut him, you've probably got him strapped up in a tree while you try to keep his heart going." She glared up at me before scowling at me.

"What's in the bag? Medicine?" I could see from her featured that I was probably right. "Oh I see. You were going to help him, weren't you?" I said condescendingly. "Well it's too bad you won't be able to, just like your little friend. What was her name again?" She stiffened slightly and her jaw noticeably clenched. "Rue." I said, emphasising every letter.

"Well we killed her, and now, we're going to kill you." A smirk grew on my lips as I pulled out my smallest knife. "Where should I start?" I asked as I placed the knife on the side of her face.

"Let's start with the lips. You won't have much use for them anymore." A maniacal grin replaced my smirk as I stared at the girl. Her eyes closed as she seemed to accept her fate. "You want to blow Lover boy one last kiss?" She opened her eyes slightly as I traced her lips with the small dagger.

As I looked at her, I realised that she reminded me of someone. Rowena. I stopped for a second, trying to get the image out Rowena's smiling face out of my head, but I was lifted off of her before I could continue.

The two muscular arms didn't belong to Cato, it was Thresh. He roughly shoved me into the cornucopia wall and held me there.

"You kill her?" He yelled. I knew he was talking about Rue.

"No." I choked out as quickly as possible.

"I heard you say her name!" He shouted. I panted as I thought about what was about to happen. About what everyone at home was feeling. About how much of a disappointment I am.

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