Chapter 1

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Clove's POV:

It was a cool autumn day and the orange leaves were scattered on the dirt path. I had gotten up earlier than usual today because I wanted to see the sun rise. I am 9 years old and have been attending the training academy since I was 6. It has been my dream to win the Hunger Games since I was 4, but mother said that I needed to wait till I was 6 to attend the academy. I walked in my favourite park and sat down on one of the cold wooden benches. I watched as the dark navy sky transformed into a lighter hue, vibrant oranges and yellows shining from behind the tip of the tallest mountain. A small smile made its way onto my lips as I watched the beautiful sunrise.

I looked down at the black watch on my small wrist and realised that I needed to start heading back. My parents don't know about me leaving and I would like to keep it that way. I hugged my black coat tighter around my small shivering body as I jogged back home. My house wasn't much, but it's what we could afford. The small white double story house that I called home soon came into view as I fastened my pace. I made my way to the back of my house and started climbing the tree next to my window. As I got to the second level, I cautiously opened the window and climbed in. As I entered my room I made sure that my landing was soundless before taking my coat off and putting it back in my closet.

I slowly climbed back into bed and stared at the window. Footsteps could be heard from the hallway, so I quickly closed my eyes. I heard my door open and my mother softly said "Clove, it's time to get up. You don't want to be late for school." She closed the door and left so that I could get ready, so I slowly slid out of the now warm bed and started changing.  I picked out a simple t-shirt and leggings before tying my hair in a simple ponytail. I walked downstairs and saw my older sister, Rose who was 14,  sitting at the table with my mum and dad. My sister was much prettier than I was and I would often get jealous of her. She had wavy dark brown hair and vibrant green eyes. I, on the other hand, had straight dark drown hair and dull brown eyes. I sat down opposite her and started eating my pancakes.

After eating my breakfast, my sister and I got up and grabbed our bags. She would always walk with me to school before going to her school since District 2 doesn't exactly have the friendliest people. When I got to school, I joined my two best friends, Rowena and Joan. They were both 10 so they aren't in the same classes as me, but we are all in the same training level. Last year I got bumped up a level because I was rather skilled with a knife. That was the day my parents got me my watch. The day passed slowly and the only mildly interesting thing that happened, was when a tall blonde boy knocked me over at lunch. He seemed rude and arrogant as he walked away, not even bothering to apologise or make sure I was okay. I immediately hated him.

I walked home silently. When I neared my house I could hear yelling. I couldn't make out the words, but I could tell it's my mother. I rushed to the front door and saw my sister standing in front of the door. "Rose, what's happening?" I asked, slightly panicked.

"They're fighting. When I tried to go in mum told me to wait outside." Rose said as she bit her lip. Suddenly a loud bang came from inside the house. Rose's head snapped up and she quickly kicked the door open. She had also been training since she was 6. We both rushed in and saw our father standing over our mother's body. She didn't look dead, just unconscious. As soon as our dad heard us coming, he looked up at us.

"Mum!" Rose yelled as she ran to her side.

I stared at my father for a moment before running over to mother. Rose was checking mum's pulse and I relaxed slightly when she sat back and sighed in relief. I looked at mum's head and noticed that there was a large bruise on the side. When I turned around to talk to our dad, he was no where to be seen. I guess he ran. I then noticed that there was some money leading to our safe. I got up and followed the trail until I saw the nearly empty safe.

We were officially poor. Our mother was injured. Our father had left. Rose and I can't work. There was only one way to get our family back on its feet. I needed to win the Hunger Games.

A/N Hey everyone, this chapter was kind of just a backstory for Clove. I know it's short and boring, but I will be making my chapters longer and more interesting in the future. Please comment and vote if you enjoyed this. Thanks for reading.

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