Chapter 23

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Cato's POV:

After Glimmer lost interest in me, I realised that that I couldn't make Clove jealous anymore. Now I've decided to make her fall for me instead. This plan seems harder, but I think I can pull it off.

Clove and I were standing by the elevator, just talking about whatever like we used to do, when Enobaria and Brutus came up to us.

"Why aren't you guys watching the interviews?" Enobaria asked as she gestured to the screen. I had completely forgotten about the interviews and it seemed that Clove had as well.

We looked to the screen and saw the girl from 12 spinning around in a red flaming dress. The ends of the dress were lit on fire and I'm pretty sure I heard Clove gag.

"What the hell is this idiot doing?" Clove said as the girl stopped spinning from dizziness.

"Well, it doing well with the Capitol." Brutus said while looking at her once more. After she left the stage, the boy went on. He didn't seem like much and was just cracking jokes most of the time, but Caesar bought up girls and he said that he had a crush on the girl from his district.

"How pathetic?" I said with disgust.

"You know, a lot of Capitol people love this kind of stuff." Enobaria pointed out. Clove and I rolled her eyes and scoffed.

We all watched the rest of the interview, but my eyes occasionally flickered towards Clove. I'd rarely ever seen her in a dress and never one this extravagant. When she wasn't looking, I would look at her and study her features. She looked just how I had remembered, but there was a certain intensity that wasn't there before.

The interviews finished and we all headed to the elevator with District 1. I stood in the corner, Clove next to me and Marvel in front of me, thinking about how Glimmer could change her opinion of Clove so easily. Just a few days ago, she was talking shit about Clove behind her back and now she talks to her like they're old friends.

Our mentors conversed while the four of us stood in silence. District 1 soon left the elevator which left more room for us to move around. Clove moves slightly, so that she was further away from me while Brutus and Enobaria continued to talk.

When we arrived, Clove was the first to step out and went straight to her room. Tullula informed me that dinner would be ready in half an hour, so I decided to take a quick shower and decide what to do with the rest of the time later.

I entered my room and could faintly hear the water running in Clove's bathroom. I stripped out of the suit and walked into the shower. I roughly washed the makeup off my face and scrubbed my body of the strange cologne they had sprayed on me. After getting all the gel out of my hair, I turned the water off and changed into a white t-shirt and grey sweatpants.

I walked out of my bathroom and sat on my bed. My mind drifted to Clove, as per usual, and everything about her. I remembered her smile, her eyes, her laugh. You name it and I would remember it. Sure, she was still alive, but she was different. She didn't act the same way anymore and she didn't have the same look in her eye when she would look at me.

She was guarded as if she thought I would hurt her or manipulate her. Of course, I was, but she didn't know that. I missed the old Clove and now that we were 'friends' I was going to try and get that Clove back.

A knock sounded at my door. "Come in." I called. Clove walked into my room and I smiled at her.

"Hey." I said slightly friendlier than before.

"Hi." She said awkwardly.

"So, what brings you to my humble abode?" I said gesturing to the room.

An Undying Love || Clato FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang