30: A Day That Couldn't Get Any Worse

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I didn't say anything to him afterward and he didn't press either. After Charlie and Kathie were ready, Silas took us to the Sam Decors. He didn't say anything to me on our way, but he glanced at me through the rear-view mirror now and then. No matter how much Charlie asked me to sit in front with Silas – I refused. I wasn't upset with him nor I was ignoring him – I just needed a little space. I know Charlie is going to question me about it later. Right now she pretended as she didn't notice, but I know that she did.

When we reached there – Charlie helped Kathie out of the car and Silas helped me out. He helped to get my crutches out while glancing at me from time to time. When I finally got out, I thanked him and he closed the door behind me. He sighed, "I am sorry if I upset you." He said to me. I smiled softly, "You didn't." I shook my head. I know he wanted to say something, but he didn't. He only nodded and asked me to go to the shop while he followed me behind.

The place was beautiful. What wasn't there to like? Flowers, wedding decorations, bridal shower supplies, and whatnot. The place was beautifully themed with pale pink and white. The fragrance of flowers and other sweetened scents was pleasant. I was looking around the place when a young man walked out of somewhere, "Hey, Charlotte." He greeted Charlie with open arms and embraced her in a brief hug. "Hi, Darien." She greeted him back. "This is Silas, my future-brother-in-law and my best friend, Maria." She waved her hand toward us. Darien smiled, "Hello, to both of you." He said and shook hands with both of us, before kneeling to Kathie's level that was holding Charlie's hand while looking at Darien shyly. "And this must be Kathryn." He asked. Kathie smiled and hid behind Charlie. We all chuckled at Kathie's shyness. "I am sorry. She is a little shy. Give her a little time – she will loosen up." Charlie told him.

"I completely get it. I have a niece just about Kathryn's age. I have an idea of how kids can be." He replied.

Darien didn't look older than thirty. He was lean and tall. His green eyes sparkled, his edgy jawline was visible due to his clean shaved face. By just looking at him I can tell that he is a friendly person by nature. "I was waiting for you, Charlotte. Sam and Alex are waiting for you downstairs." He said to her.

"Alex?" Charlie asked Darien. "I thought he was on holiday." She said to him as we all moved towards the staircase that leads us downstairs. Dairen turned around to look at her and nodded, "He was, but we needed him here so, he had to come back." He shrugged. "Come on, let me introduced you to him," Darien said as we followed him downstairs. Charlie, Kathie, and Darien went downstairs while Silas and I slowly walked down. Silas was behind me and because I couldn't walk down faster – that poor guy was stuck behind me.

I stopped at a side on the stairs, "You should go down. It usually takes me a while to climb up and down the stairs." I let out a nervous chuckle. He sighed and wordless halted on his way. I looked up to see him standing there with his hands in his pocket, "I am not going before you, Maria." He shrugged. He came nearer to me and waved his hand, "Ladies first." He grinned. I chuckled and started stepping down while his right behind me.

Finally, when we reached downstairs, I saw Charlie looking at us with a smile on her face and Kathie was busy taking candy from Darien. "Darien and Sam might have to come with Marcus and me to Hawaii." Charlie said, "They have to see the location and plan wisely the location we select." She added.

Silas nodded, "That's great." He nodded. Darien smiled, "We will be there just for a day so, don't you worry – we will not interrupt you and Mr. Harrison much." He teased and Charlie's cheeks turned red before she glanced at me. I know how much she is going on in her mind. I smiled, "So, Darien – where are your partners?" I asked him and changed the topic. Charlie sighed and passed me a small smile.

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