26: Surprised

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Two weeks passed by since I last saw Silas. He went on a trip to Japan for a business purpose. Charlie told me that he will be back in a day or two. We didn't talk during these two weeks and I am completely okay with it. He is busy with work and we are busy with Charlie and Marcus's wedding preparation. Papa stayed with us until yesterday. He went back to Chicago last night – I miss him already, but he wanted to go back for a while and I didn't stop him. Marcus and Charlie were so sweet – they knew I would be upset after Papa will go back, so they took me dinner last night. This morning when I woke up, I felt a bit downhearted since I was getting used to being greeted early in the morning by my father. But, that dismal was short-lived since Marcus dropped Kathie. She spent a night with her father since she was missing him so much.

"Hey Maria, how about we go to lunch today?" Charlie asked me as she rinsed the plates from the breakfast. I and Kathie were trying to build a castle with the Legos. I frowned, "Why?" I asked. She turned around to look at us and smiled, "Do you remember when I told you about Sam's decors for the wedding decoration?" she asked.

She told me about Sam Decors. She saw their work on the internet and decided to appoint them for her wedding decorations. Last night, we also got to talk about the wedding destination and Marcus and Charlie told me that they have decided to get wed in Hawaii. Since, Charlie and Kathie love beaches – Marcus suggested going there for the wedding. I swear Marcus is the sweetest. He always put Charlie and Kathie's needs and wants ahead of his own.

"Yes. What about them?" I asked.

"I got an email from Darien – he asked if we could meet after lunch today and I said yes. I would like you to be there as well." She said. Darien and Sam own Sam's decors – Charlie has been in contact with them for a week.

I smiled, "Sure. Marcus will be there as well?" I asked.

She sighed and rolled her eyes, "You know how much of a workaholic he is, so no. He offered to come along for an hour, but I know he will be bored and also he has an important meeting this evening, so I asked him not to come." She answered.

"Okay, but shouldn't he be present there when you choose themes and decoration for your wedding day?" I asked her. She chuckled and lightly shook her head, "Marcus doesn't know anything about decorations. I know what he will do – he will just agree with everything I say." She answered. I laughed – that is how Marcus is. He doesn't care about decorations or wedding destinations – he just wants to marry Charlie.

So, as decided we went to a restaurant nearby for lunch. After lunch, we will be going to meet Sam and Darien at their office – which isn't far away. "So, when will you and Marcus go to Hawaii for sightseeing?" I asked Charlie as I chewed and swallowed another bite of a turkey sandwich. She glanced at Kathie – who was busy eating her French fries. She sighed and shrugged, "Maybe next month – I am not sure, though. And quite honestly I am not pressing him to go as well." She paused, "I mean everything that happened with Ruby – he has been quite disturbed. He told me that we will go at the beginning of next month and said okay. I am pushing him to do anything – he has already been through enough stress." She answered.

I smiled, "And that's why he loves you so much. You never push him to do anything." I replied causing her to smile. We quietly enjoyed our lunch for a few moments before I cleared my throat, "So, any news about Ruby?" I have been meaning to her about Ruby for a long time, but I honestly didn't know how to say it. She looked at me and I shrugged, "I mean, how is she now?" I asked her.

She sighed and put the fork down on the plate, "Marcus told me that Elizabeth took her to the doctor. He didn't tell me anything else and I didn't ask." She told me. "She lied about her health – she didn't learn anything from the past." She added sourly. "What she did to you and Marcus and now this – I mean, I have no words for that woman."

I put my hand over hers. "Hey, it is okay," I told her. "Ruby is sick. She might not have cancer, but she surely is mentally ill and she needs help. What happened is in the past – you don't have to upset about anything anymore. You should focus on your wedding, okay?" I told her. She chuckled and nodded. "You are right. It is stupid to stress over something that is in the past." She nodded. "Let's talk about the present or future. Speaking of which, did you talk to Silas recently?" she asked.

I glanced at her before looking down at the half turkey sandwich, "No." I shook my head. "He is in Japan, right?" I asked her.

She looked at her wristwatch and shook her head, "Not anymore." she told me. I frowned and narrowed my eyes – I wasn't sure what she was talking about. "Oh, we had to go somewhere else?" I asked her. She chuckled and looked behind me, "Yeah, he did." she answered with a grin on her face. Before I could turn around to look whom she was looking at Silas walked out of nowhere and sat on the empty chair beside me like he was supposed to be here.

"You guys ordered without me? Great!" He said sarcastically causing Charlie to chuckle. Charlie rested both her forearms over the table and said, "What were we supposed to do, Mr. Harrison? You are late." She answered while I was left dumbfounded. They both were talking like it was nothing that Silas showed up when I thought he was in Japan!

He shrugged, "Yeah, my flight got delayed due to bad weather in Tokyo." He answered and looked at Kathie who was grinning while looking at her uncle, "Hi." She waved her hand. Silas laughed, "Hello, baby girl. Uncle Silas brought you lots of toys from Japan, do you want to play with them?" he asked her.

"Yes, Uncle Silas. Yes!" Kathie was excited while I was still in shock. Silas looked at me and grinned, "You are staring." He stated.

"What are you – how did you – what is happening?" I asked both of them. Charlie laughed, "I am sorry, Maria, but I kind of knew Silas was coming back today. He asked me to take you to lunch so, he could meet you there and surprise you." She answered.

I frowned and glanced at Silas who was eating fries from my plate, "And our meeting with Sam and Darien?" I asked her. She bit her lower lips and grinned, "I am sorry I lied but, it is tomorrow." She replied.

"She did it because of me," Silas interjected. I looked at him taking a bite of my remaining half of the sandwich, "I am sorry, I am really hungry." He said with a mouth full. Wow, I never thought Silas would show up and surprise me like this. "I am going to eat your sandwich and then we will go." He said.

"Go? Go where?" I asked him.

He shrugged, "Somewhere." He replied.

I looked at Charlie and she raised her hand in surrender, "Don't look at me. I don't know where this goofball is taking you and honestly, we are not invited either." She said in a monotone. Silas rolled his eyes, "Don't look at me like that. Ask your husband-to-be to take you somewhere." He told her.

She rolled her eyes skywards and stood up before helping Kathie off the chair. She wore her coat and made Kathie wore her as well, as it is cold and gathered her bag and muffler from the floor. "I will see you later, Maria." She said to me. "And you, you better behave and pay for our lunch." She pointed her finger towards Silas. Silas didn't bother to answer her – he was more interested in the turkey sandwich. Charlie winked before she held Kathie's hand and made her say goodbye to us before they both walked out. Everything was happing too soon. I wasn't sure how to react. "What is this, Silas?" I asked him.

He wiped the side of his mouth a napkin, "What? You didn't like the surprise?" he asked.

I sighed. I liked it. I was too shocked before, but now that the surprise is wearing off – it felt good to see him. I smiled softly, "I liked it, but why – why did you –" I stopped in mid-sentence. "Where are we going?" I asked him. I was going to ask why he surprised me. I wanted to know what was he doing exactly, but I didn't ask any of those questions. I don't know what I was afraid of, or maybe I don't want to know. Silas smiled, "Okay, so first we will –" Silas was telling me his plans, but he was interrupted by a familiar voice calling my name.

"Maria?" The person said. Silas and I both turned our heads around to see who it was. Silas was frowning while I gaped. "David?" I said. I couldn't believe David was standing in front of me. I was seeing him after the day he kissed me. Silas looked at me while knitting his brows. "Great to see you again, Maria." David grinned. 

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