10: I Missed You

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I needed to clear my mind, so I decided to take a walk with Bear. I called Alice this morning to break off things with her, to tell her that I can't give her what she wants. Relationship – a Label, that's what she wants and that, is something I am unable to give her, but I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it – not because I wasn't able to, but because what she told me before I could say anything. Her brother, Ted, has been diagnosed with stomach cancer. The doctors don't think that it is treatable. She was so upset. She needed me to be there for her, so I did what I felt was right. I spend the whole day with her and tried to take care of her. And now I am afraid that I might have led her to something that I can't do. When I came back home this evening, I felt unsettled and thought about taking a walk to clear off my mind. I was passing by Marcus's building when Bear tried to run towards the building. I tried to hold him by his leash, but he wasn't calming down. He has been here so many times that now he is very well aware of Marcus's place. So, I took him to Marcus's penthouse – he wanted to see Kathie. There is no other reason for him to rush towards the building since he hates Marcus – I don't why though.

When I reached Marcus's penthouse, I found the door unlocked. It is really unlike Marcus and Charlie – they always remember to lock the door especially when they know how much Kathie loves to wander around. Bear was scratching the door with his small paws – he is eager to meet Kathie. "Easy," I told him and opened the door. He ruffed and ran in as soon as the door opened. "Bear, wait. Marcus will kill me." I mumbled the last part to myself. I ran after the excited dog that was running upstairs towards Kathie's room. He knows where he can find her. Marcus will ban my and Bear's entrance if he sees us here. He isn't fond of Bear – especially since Bear peed on Marcus's office desk – all over his important documents.

Usually, I find Charlie downstairs, but she wasn't here now. No one was in the lounge or the kitchen, so I ran after Bear. I hope they aren't busy in their room – I don't want to witness them doing the deed. As Bear barked again – I heard a squeal from Kathie's room. I smiled and opened the door as Bear was eagerly waiting for me to open it so he can get in. "Bear!" I heard Kathie.

I chuckled, "He was missing you so much, Kathie, so I brought him here – just don't let him out or your dad will –" Not another word escaped my mouth as I entered in and saw her sitting beside Kathie on the bed. "Maria," I whispered. Kathie jumped off the bed and hugged Bear while I was standing with my mouth open. I completely forgot that she was coming today.

"Silas." She said back. There she sat on the bed – looking as beautiful as she is. Her hair has grown longer and she looked thinner than before. She was staring back at me she didn't expect to see me here right now. I glanced towards her crutches that were resting beside the bed – standing still – reminding me of the pain she went through. I gulped and looked away from them.

"Aunt Maria, this is Bear. Bear is Uncle Silas's dog." Kathie introduced Bear to Maria, but her eyes were still on me – just like mine were on her. "Aunt Maria." Kathie patted at Maria's thigh. She snapped out and looked at Kathie who was giggling because Bear was trying to get on the bed. A broad smile lit up on Maria's face as she saw Bear reaching out for her.

"Hi." She whispered to him as he peacefully sat on Maria's lap. I was stunned to see him like this – he is mostly hyped up, but with Maria, he was so calm – he is never like this. Maria petted him and mumbled something that I didn't get.

"He likes you." I couldn't help but say. Bear has never been so peaceful with anyone. It amazed me how he was behaving so tranquil with Maria. Maria glanced at me and smiled – I don't know why I felt guilty. Maybe because when we were married – she asked me numerous times to adopt a dog and each time I disagreed and now I adopted it myself.

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