Chapter 9 - Revenge

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Alastor reluctantly stood up and brushed down his Hawaiian shirt before clicking his fingers and changing to a dark red swimsuit with light red horizontal stripes. Angel wolf whistled only causing him to receive a blow to the head by a coconut... the weird thing is there aren't any coconut trees nearby.

"Asshole," the spider grumbles while rubbing the top of his head.

"Your turn, Husker, my fellow!"

"Fuck off!" He hides his bottle of booze out of instinct despite no threat to it.

"Tsk tsk, that won't do," Alastor lifts Husk by the extra skin on his neck like Husk weighed nothing.

"How is he that strong?" You breathe out in disbelief. Comically, Alastor throws Husk into the water. A classic cat screech fills the air as Husk claws his way out the water and back to shore.

"SON OF A B-BITCH!" he stutters as wind blows by.

"Wet cat and not in the way I could make you," Angel gives a suggestive wink to Husk who tries to scratch him. "Aggressive, I like it," the cat gives up and stumbles to his towel and booze.

"Poor kitty," you take your towel and wrap it around his shivering body. Rubbing him behind the ear you smile but snicker as you hear a soft purr only you could catch.

"Not a word," he grumbles.

"My lips are sealed," you kiss his forehead before walking away to the water. Alastor watched as you made your way over to him. "Lets go, Mr Radio Demon,"

"Last one in the water let's me give them head!" Alastors eyes snap to Angel, quickly the deer demon runs to the water at lightning speed. You near close behind Alastor and jump on his shoulders, pushing him out the way as you land in the water. "Ding ding ding! You're up, Smiles!" As Alastor keeps his head against the sand a shadow picked Angel up and threw him a few meters out into the ocean.

"Sore loser!" You call out to the overlord. Instantly he disappears and reappears behind you.

"What was that?" You yelp and turn to Alastor who had a sinister grin on his face, his body leaning down to you. You return the smile.

"I called you a sore loser, strawberry," you boop his nose which confused him for a second, his eyes crossing over to stare at his nose. He looked back up at you, and without warning he picked you up and there you a few feet in front of him. Breaking the water with your curled up body a splash of water only just hit him.

"Sorry, I didn't catch that, darling, do speak up!" Slowly revealing your eyes from underwater your hair stuck to your face. Swimming over menacingly, to the best you could muster, once you reach him you cup your hand and splash his face.

"Now you're a wet sore loser," he wipes away his wet strands of hair from his face, his tuffs of hair now slouched over like his 2p version.

"One never rejects a challenge," his eyes turn into radio dials, his teeth turning sharper than before. He raises his hand and towers over you.

"Oh no..." the moment you back up slightly he tackles you into the water. You thought he would have scratched you, skinned you, maybe even dismember you and let your blood merge with the already red waters... no... this was much worse... he... was... TICKLING YOU! You scrunched up your face as you wriggled under the water, peaking open your eyes to see Alastor tickling you blind, his eyes shut. "A-Al!" Your voice was morphed from the water but he heard you and opened his eyes with a grin. He covers your mouth with his hand causing you to feel a fresh wave of air enter your lungs. He does the same to himself.

"Surrender?" His voice was clear, yet the vision was still blurry.

"Over my dead body, bambi,"

"People keep calling me that and I'm not sure what it means,"

"You'll understand when you're older," patting his confused head you go to swim up only for him to pull you back down.

"Will you stop patting my head?" He gives an irritated smile.

"Ha! No," you imitate him which caused his face to scrunch up, at least from what you could tell.

"Then this isn't over," though he had claws you were surprised you didn't receive any scratches, because you would surely have felt them.

"S-stop!" You laugh through the painful torture, drowning would surely have been a better punishment.

"Three words, my dear!~"


"Your mistake," he spun you around in the water and dipped you, poking and prodding at your sides. Inhuman noises emitted from your mouth which only caused him to laugh. Finally getting out of his grasp you swim to the surface. Taking a breath of fresh air the group snap their attention to you.

"Oh! Y/n! Thank go you're ok!" Charlie goes to hug you, only for you to duck under her arms and swim away as fast as you could.

"Can't- talk-" stumbling out the water you rush to your bag and take out your lollipop, letting it pop open like a pocket staff you point it at the water... waiting for Alastor to emerge.

"No escape," you feel his hot breath against your ear making you squeal and fall face flat on the sand. "Oh, and here we have it folks, another win for the greatest Radio demon," he exaggerates the 'r' on 'greatest' which sounded exactly like how he did on the streams. A laughing track and celebratory whoops filled the air only making you scowl against the sand.

"No fair," you mumble once pushing yourself off the ground.


Death bed by Powfu

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Death bed by Powfu

- Anna ❤️

Candy demon: Alastor x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now