Chapter 15 - Nails

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"Ok, ok, ok," spinning the cane around and around it slips out your hand and hits you on the head. The cane clatters on the ground, your figure landing beside it. "Ow..."

"It's not that hard, Y/n," Vaggie spins her spear around and around flawlessly. "See?"

"I'm sorry I studied animation in university not Mortal Kombat X,"

"Try again, niña," she hoists you up onto your feet.

"Ok," You start to slowly spin the cane before getting the hang of it. "I'm doing it!"

"Good job, Y/n!" Charlie claps from her seat.

"Shall we try this then?" Vaggie readies her stance.

"Let's dance," You point your cane, running up first to hit it against her spear. She easily blocked this and spun your cane so you flipped over on the ground. Inches from your face, you duck away before the spear could hold you down.

Kneeling to get up, Vaggie knocks you over. Alastor walked by the lobby, looking to annoy Husk like his daily routine consisted of. He shifts his monocle, watching as you fought back Vaggie with your cane, the moth demon obviously more skilled.

But you were evidently more determined.

Opportunity rose up as Vaggie stumbled back when you pushed her blow away. Sliding your foot under hers, she was knocked off her feet.

"I win!" You celebrate only to fall face flat on the floor when Vaggie used her spear to reciprocate your action.

"Let's call it a draw," She smirks, getting up to lend a hand.

"Fine," you dust off your clothes before spotting Al. Giving him a soft wave, he does the same before walking to the bar.


"Where could they be?" Alastor and Husk wandered down the halls, trying to figure out where the rest had gone.

Know that you, you dug your own grave
Now lie in it
You're so cruel
But revenge is a dish best served cold

Music flowed out of one of the bedrooms, more specifically yours. The boys pushed open the door to be met with lyrics being belted out

"I see red! Red! Oh, Red~!"

Hair brushes in hand, or any item resembling a microphone, a group of girls--and one effeminate fellow--gave quite the sight. Everyone in pyjamas, though Angel was just in underwear, you close second with just an oversized shirt.

"Executioner style, and there won't be no trial~!" You sang to Angel, running a hand across your throat. Vaggie and Charlie danced together on the floor as you jumped on the bed. Vaggie walked to change the music once it ended, a new song coming on.

"Miss Vagatha, you have quite the taste," You stalk over to Angel as Havana played. "He got me feelin' like..."

"Ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh," Angel sang back as you danced in his arms, taking the feather boa from his neck and grabbing the fan you act as dramatic as possible, like a mystery woman trying to seduce her target.

Layering the boa on Niffty you spin into Angel's arms and dip, landing eyes on the boys and hitting the ground.

"Oh, hey guys!" Charlie waves at the shell shocked men. She goes to turn down the music as Angel helped your blushing self up.

"What are you lovely ladies... doing?" Al tried to find the words.

"Dancing does wonders for the soul, Smiles,"

"Yes, dancing does... I hardly call this dancing," he mumbles in confusion.

"Well, you're saved because I think we're too tired to carry on," Charlie laughs, pulling the two further into the perfumed room. "We were just about to watch a movie and do our nails!"

"Nu-uh, don't think so, kid," Husk went to leave only for you to used your cane to pull him back.

"Sit down, kitty," You push him to Angel. "Come on, Al," patting the spot beside you, the overlord sighs.

"Very well," He sat cross legged across from you.

"What movie is it tonight, Nif?" You take out your kit as Niffty scrolls through Voxflix.


"Now, who are you watching it for?"

She twists her toes into the ground shyly. "Thor..."

"Shame, I watch it for Loki," you sigh as she giggles and sits on the bed next to Nuggs.

"Why are you naming Norse gods?" Alastor inquires.

"Oh, right, you died way too early to know this... Pretty much these are based on comic book characters," Your simple explanation sufficed as you took off his gloves. "I see the last time you had a manicure was 1888,"

"Quiet, my dear, I don't have time," he glares playfully as you start.

The moment Loki was on screen you stopped your work and grinned. "There he goes! My greasy boy!" You call out making Charlie giggle. She stops however when he starts to take people down. "There he goes! My murderous, greasy boy!" You add on.

"Oh... he's the bad guy," Charlie pouts. "He looked nice..."

"He's more like an anti-hero,"

"Thor is better," Niffty sighs as the movie went on.

"Thor is better huh? Tell me, can Thor rock a suit like that?" You look to Niffty with a challenging glance. "Doth mother know your man weareth her drapes?"

"Bleh," She stick out her small tongue as Loki started to make everyone kneel.

"Daddy~ I'd kneel for you any day~" Angel bites his lips.

"Honestly, same," You cough before focusing on Al's nails.

"You guys know he's a killer right?" Vaggie says in concern once the main fight came on screen.

"Killer, Shmiller, he's hot, rocks a colour scheme, got magic and he's more brains than brawn," Dipping Alastor's hand in a bowl of warm water you smile. "That's my kinda man,"


He killed 80 people in 2 days

Vaggie deadpans and points to the screen. "Need I say more?"

All you do is roll your eyes as Alastor continues to look from Loki to you and back to the character on the picture show. Was that your type? Did you like green and not red? Was that the problem?

"Done," Your eyes snapped him from thought as you showed him his nails.

"Wonderful job, my dear," He praises with a soft smile.


I just couldn't help myself

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I just couldn't help myself... Loki and Al are practically the same and it makes for good content!

- Anna ❤️

Candy demon: Alastor x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now