Stay Clean Baby(part one)- Rafe

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It's was a Saturday evening around 7pm when Rafe and I got back from his fathers boat. We had spent all day with his family out on the waters. I had spent most of the time with Sarah as Rafe was trying to spend some time with his dad. We hadn't talked, besides when he'd sit down beside me to get a drink.

I grabbed my bag and my towel stepping onto the dock. Rafe followed behind me, we walked into the house, heading up the stairs and into his room. I set my stuff by the door and sat on Rafe's bed.

Rafe paced the floor rapidly, looking frustrated and hurt. It was a usual thing, especially after he spent time pining for his Dad's attention.

"You want to talk about it?"
I ask, pushing a strand of hair out of my face.

"There's nothing to even talk about, he just doesn't get it."
He raked his hands through his hair and leaning against the desk in his room.
"He never cares, no matter how much I try, ya know!"

I stood, walking to stand in front of him.
"You have to stop doing this to yourself, stop comparing yourself to your sisters, stop pining for your Dad's approval. You need to make yourself happy, babe."
I kissed his cheek.

He looked down for a long moment and then he finally looked back at me.
"It's just hard...but I'll figure it out."

"I know you will, baby."
I stood on my tippy toes placing a soft kiss on his lips.

He placed his hands on my waist and pulled me closer, breathing deep. His kisses grew more aggressive and his breathing jagged. His hands moved to rest on my lower back, applying pressure.

I broke the kiss as I trailed kisses down his jaw and onto his neck.. he titled his head over, giving me more access...

"Rafe?! Can I see you in the office please!"
Ward's voice echoed throughout the house.

I pulled away and he looked shocked by his dad's words..

"I wonder what he wants.."
He whispered.

I stepped back and he headed for the door, turning back when my voice reached his ears.

"It's okay if I use your shower right?"
I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yeah baby, towels are in the cabinet under the vanity."
He placed a kiss on my forehead and disappeared around the corner.

I stepped into the bathroom, getting in the shower. I was stepping out and wrapping a towel around me when I heard the bedroom door slam.

I frowned, startled.
I called.

A few seconds later the door swung over to reveal Rafe's eye, bloodshot. His cheeks tear stained, he wouldn't make eye contact, he stared at the floor. Blood dripped from his nose and his lip was busted open.

I stepped to him,
"Oh my god! Rafe, what happened?!"
I yelled.

"My dad, he started...he uh, he said that I was wasting my life being a disappointment .."
His voice broke but his jaw clenched, he was fight back more tears, trying to stay strong.
"He told me to leave..."

"What? What do you mean, leave?"
I asked, grabbing his face, making him focus on me.

"He kicked me out y/n"
He pushed my hands away. He grabbed a bag and started pulling clothes out of his dresser.

"Baby, talk to me."
I begged, following him, still wrapped in a towel, hair dripping on the floor.

He ignored me, still grabbing his stuff and placing it calmly in a bag. He wouldn't talk but his eyes held fear, his hands trembled and lip quivered.

I walked up behind him, wrapping my arms around his body. He froze for a second before placing his hands on mine and putting his head down. His body shook violently, he sobbed silently.

Tears stung your eyes as you watched your boyfriend fall apart and you couldn't help him. You placed a kiss on his back, hold holding him tighter.

It felt like eternity, you were so cold from being fresh from the shower, you started trembling. He must have noticed, he turned around, kissing you slowly.
He pulled away, his expression soft.

"Go get dressed baby, I'm okay."
He kissed my forehead again.

As much as I wanted to stay right there, I was freezing.

I walked into the bathroom, throwing on my bikini from earlier. My shirt was soaked in water from my speedy exit from the shower. I walked out into Rafe's room.

"Can I borrow a shirt?"
I asked, trying to cover my body..Rafe had seen me naked and in my bathing suit but I felt so immodest and uncomfortable at this moment.

He looked me up and down, smirking.
"What are you hiding exactly??"
He chuckled, grabbing a shirt from his bed, walking over slowly.

"I don't know, I just feel weird, can I please have the shirt?"
I asked still shaking from chills.

"Yes baby."
He kissed me quick, running a finger down my arm, he handed me the shirt..
I put it on quickly, taking in Rafe's scent slightly.

"Where are you going to go, Rafe?"
I ask him, sitting on his bed.

"I'm going to stay with Barry.."
He mumbled.

I cringed at the thought, Rafe had been clean for a month...what do I do now?!

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