You're worth it-JJ

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You pulled up into your driveway..looking at the dark house that you had grown to hate. You took the keys out of the ignition of your truck and stepped out, closing the door as quiet as possible.

You didn't want to wake him. You didn't even want to see him but you had to come home and shower before heading over to  John B's. You walked up the creaking steps and opened the door while heading inside.

You breathed in the familiar scent of sweat and alcohol. You walked into the living room, glancing at your step dads body sprawled out on the couch, liquor bottle in hand, drool running down his cheek. You rolled your eyes, disgusted.

You headed for the stairs and made a path to your room. You grabbed a duffle bag, packing some clothes to hold you over for a few more days.

You took a towel into the bathroom, taking a quick shower. Trying to be as quiet as possible. You didn't want to face him, especially in his drunken state.

You stepped out, drying off and dressing in some black PINK athletic shorts with a royal blue thrasher t-shirt. You stepped into your Birkenstock's and adjusted your necklace. You ran a brush through your shoulder length wet hair and decided to go make-up free to save time.

You stepped back into your room and zipped up you duffel bag.

"Where are you going?"
A deep voice slurred out.

You paused. Fear pricked your heart and you felt a pang of regret reside in your gut.
You turned to face him, standing in the doorway....and you swallowed hard.

"I'm going to John B's, Ben."
You stated trying to sound a straight as possible while your hands quaked.

"Why are you always over there?"
He questioned.
"Your always with makes me wonder."

"There my friends."
You responded.

He laughed.
"They ain't your friends. Who would want to be friends with you."

You knew he was escalating so you needed to leave.

"Yeah, I know."
You threw your bag over your shoulder and headed for your door.

"Don't walk away when I'm talking to you!"
A hand grabbed your arm pulling you back.

You yanked your hand away out of reaction from the pain that spread through your wrist.

He pushed you hard, forward into the side of the room. Pain broke out along your frail body. You moved slightly, feeling defeated already. You looked up from under your lashes..
You paused a moment looking in the mirror of your childhood room, that now was shattered and blood stained.

Tears stung your eyes while a lump formed in your throat. I need to get out of here...the thoughts flooded your mind and you tried to visualize a plan but failed, your head hurt.

You placed your hand on your throbbing forehead, it felt wet. You pulled away to see your hand covers with blood.

"You deserve that."
You looked to see your step dad standing over you, liquor bottle in hand. A pain in your ribs alerted you, blood dripping frequently from your nose.

"Ben, please stop. I didn't mean it."
You begged him to stop...but his eyes were black. He didn't look human, he held a monstrous gaze.

"You're worthless! You know that!"
He would shout.
"You're nothing but a piece of—"

You closed your eyes, shaking your head as tears spilled over.
"Ben, I'm sorry."
You whispered.

He sent his booted foot into your side, causing you to scream in pain.
You were gasping for breath, clutching your side.
"You don't deserve to breathe!"
He took a step back, sneering down at your body.

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