[17] Nothing out of the Ordinary

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🌸I'm sorry that this was short, but it's meant to be that way! I just didn't know if this sort was meant to fit together with the part I wrote, so that's why this was on a separate chapter. The next chapter will be out today or tomorrow!🌸


For once, nothing was happening that was to worry about. It was enough for me to finally feel at ease and lay back on my chair. I let off an energetic sigh, as I plopped my head on my uncomfortable desk. All of a sudden, I was startled by a surprising tap on my shoulder. That glimmering aura gave the idea that it was none other than Teruhashi Kokomi. She stood in front of me with a wide grin on her face. I faced her with a smile that matched hers, although with a hint of confusion.

"You look like you're in a good mood, Teruhashi. Something good happened?"

If even possible, her broad smile were spread wider, as she giggled like small child. Once I tilted my head to the side, I find the others acting the same way.

"Aren't you excited for tomorrow?"

My eyebrows furrowed, almost as if trying to figure out a difficult mathematical problem. She then tossed me a magazine, in which I can only assume a photo of a tropical island.

"Oh, you didn't know we have a class trip tomorrow?"

My jaw dropped, feeling unprepared. I would always be one step ahead of it came to preparing for trips or vacations.

"How come I didn't know any of this?"

She shrugged her shoulders, and then afterwards made her way back to her seat.

"Y/N, what are you doing?"

At the start of class, I hadn't bothered listening in with the teacher and the new student, Toritsuka. I showed him the magazine Teruhashi passed to me.

"I'm studying up about Okinawa! You're welcome to join."

He gladly took a seat next to mine, as we discussed nonsense.
3rd Person: POV

'Now Toritsuka's in our class? Just when I thought school couldn't be any worse.'

(Just for convenience, Toritsuka will be in your class!)

Saiki lazily rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue. He still couldn't figure out what it was that bothered him. All he gathered was every time Toritsuka was near Y/N, his chest tightened. Shun hovered around Saiki, showing off his latest news of the Dark Reunion. When he noticed his quiet friend dazing at the far window, he frowned.

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