[1] Highlighter Boy

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🌸'This is just me on a daily basis

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🌸'This is just me on a daily basis...lol'🌸
Y/N: Your Name
S/N: Sister's Name
Saiki's Thoughts: 'Italic and Underlined.'
Saiki Speech: "Bold"
Y/N's Thoughts: 'Italic.'

'Just another day close to death.'

'I forgot to do my homework yesterday! Crap!'

Voices ran through my head as I struggled to get a wink of sleep. I twisted and turned, whining and begging God to put an end to my misery. My alarm clock all of a sudden chimed making me shot up straight.

'What did I do to deserve this?'

I faced the wall before furiously shuffling out of my messy bed. I scoured around for the essential items I needed as I quickly hurried out my house.

'I'm Y/N L/N, and I'm an anything-but-ordinary high-school students, or in others words a psychic.
I have multiple abilities such as telekinesis, psychokinesis, teleportation, and others. And every year, on my birthday, I earn a new type of ability.'

'You'd think I'd be used to these psychic powers I have after 15 years of my life. In actuality, I sometimes have trouble getting them under control. For example, playing soccer can accidentally cause me to kick the ball too hard until you can't see it anymore. Not a normal person could do that unless you're just that good.'

I constantly have the fear of someone catching the sight of me using my powers. I shook those anxious thoughts away as I heaved a sigh. I shouldn't even be in school right now. Do you wanna know the reason why? Well, let's look back 2 days ago.


I was in my strawberry scented room, as I lay down on bed, playing video games to pass the time. I finished high school at the age on 13, so for 2 years, I have been playing video games to pass the time, and studying for some times. Not like any of those knowledge would leave my brain. Both my parents and twin sister knew about my psychic powers but didn't use it to their advantage.

I constantly pressed buttons on my controller, until the door that lead to my room swung open. I swept my eyes to the corner, spotting a bag full of coffee jelly. For a second, this took me by surprise, but it was obvious what this was used for.

"If you're here just to bait me into doing something for you, I'm not doing it." I reply, leaving her mouth to agape.

'It's gonna take more than a bag of coffee jelly to sway me!'

S/N got down on her knees, pleading as if her life depended on this.

"Come on, Y/N. I have to go to America with my friends! It's just for 5 months, I promise!!"

My head focused on the screen, ignoring the cries of my sister.

"Look, I'll buy you a crate of Coffee Jelly, if you want. I'll double it if you accept!"

My earns suddenly perked up, as I found myself pausing the game and sitting up straight toward her. This was surprisingly a turn of event; just imagine, two crates of coffee jelly just to got to school? Child's play.


After a few minutes of idling around the front entrance, my head faced the enormous school banner that read 'PK Academy.' I couldn't help but spread a wide grin across my face.

'I shouldn't have agreed just because of coffee jelly. I forgot how loud high school could be with other teenagers screaming like maniacs.'

Not only that, but...

'Why are these skirts so short? What kind girl was S/N, I could never wear clothes that only reaches down to my butt!?'

I step foot in the up-roaring classroom, I searched around for a seat that blended with the crowd. There's no such threat I need to deal with about someone finding out who I am, but better safe than sorry.

Just as I retreated back to my seat, a loud commotion caught my attention. Three boys fooling around not caring a world about the people around them. Two students messed around with a pink-haired boy with what seemed to be small antennas attached to his head.

'Is that a headband?'

'Hold on—what am I doing? Nothing those fools do will ever interest a girl like me! Especially that weirdo with the antenna. What kind of person has that?'

I gazed at him from afar, not even realizing he was staring back as well. Amethyst coloured eyes met my my E/C eyes as I try to focus it elsewhere. My head turned away almost instantly, attempting to appear like nothing had happened.  The sign of my hand blocking the sight of him would be enough for him to realize that someone was gazing at him.

Seconds felt like hours as the professor made his  way to our classroom and started class.

In the middle of the discussion, the pencil that was once in my hand was no longer to be seen. Without being seen suspicious, I casually glance at all directions, trying to spot where it may have rolled over to. Finally, in the time that I bore my eyes to the ceiling, my eyes widened. The mechanical pencil floated in mid air, occasionally bouncing up and down.

'Why is it acting up now of all times?'

Making sure that no pen had witnessed that, I twisted my head around the classroom carefully.

As the professor turned his back, I stretched out my arms, seeming like I yawned, and instantly pulled back down the pencil in the palm of my hands.

With that small incident out of the way, my back laid comfortably on the chair once more.

'Thank goodness it was high enough to reach for me without needing to get up. It would've been strange for someone to see something like that!'

Without realizing, I turned to highlighter boy who was paying close attention on taking notes.  Compared to his friends, he looks the type to see everything around him, so I suspected him to be  see it. The boy didn't look like he saw what happened.

'As long as no one saw, I think I'm okay.'

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