9. I Wanna See You

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River hummed as she danced around the kitchen, preparing lunch for the twins, Mrs. Marley and herself. She had decided on a simple turkey sandwich and some yam fries.

They loved it.

She loved it.

But she wasn't too sure if she would get to have it.

"Life of a surgeon!" She exclaimed, sighing. She said that out loud a lot.

Truth be told, she had no plans to have kids. All she wanted was to be a bomb ass surgeon, who conquered the Orthopedic field.

But now that she had had them, she could not even imagine a life without them.

After all, her Lukey and Ki were the lub and dub of her heart.

Hey, that's actually a pretty good sentence. Her inner voice cheered as she continued cutting the yam.

"Mommy?" River was interrupted from her conversation with herself by the sweetest cutest voice in the world.

"Ki love, why are you up so early?" River asked in her baby voice as she picked her little one up, adjusting her on her hip as she went about doing her work, only after placing a few kisses on her face.

It was five in the morning.

River had absolutely no right to complain about her lack of sleep due to work when this is what she did on her off days. But she couldn't help it; it was everyday she could make lunch for her little darlings! And she loved cooking!

"I had a nightmare." Kiara mumbled into the crook of her mother's neck.

"Oh you did? Wanna tell mommy? They say dreams don't come true if you tell someone about it. Or say it out loud." River said, still using her baby voice. She had heard wishes didn't come true if they were said out loud but he hoped the same applied for nightmares.

River could not go about talking in her baby voice to her little Lucas. He threw a tantrum every single time. "Mommy, how many times do I have to tell you? I am a big boy Mommy, I am not a baby!"

He probably got it from his dad. River mentally sighed. She wished she knew what their father was like, or who he was. Starting out, she was confident she was all they needed and they would always have Sebastian as their father figure and it would all be fine but she knew what it felt like without her dad, and she lost him when she was twenty-two. They never even got to meet their dad. They were too young to ask questions but some day they will and she really needed to start thinking of an answer to tell them than the usual "He is not in the picture." she slapped on everyone else.

"Really?" Little Kiara asked in a low voice, sounding very tired. River knew for a fact that her daughter was going to go right back to sleep in her arms in a couple of minutes.

"Yeah honey." She said, trying to close the lunch boxes with a single hand and failing. She decided to just leave the lid on top and made her way to her bedroom with her in my arms.

"I dreamt of Flynn hitting Lukey with his water bottle." She said, snuggling closer, her arms wrapped around her mother's neck while River adjusted her so that she was holding her little girl with both arms.

Someone just hold me before I faint from all this cuteness! Her inner voice squealed when she heard what exactly her baby's nightmare was.

That's her nightmare? That someone hit her brother?

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